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Is it possible to get stupider?
Published on April 8, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Boxer and fellow idiot Bill Nelson are holding up Stephen Johnson's vote as head of the EPA.  The reason?  Because he will not denounce a program that tests children for pestacides.

Not test Pestacides on Children, but just to see how the exposure to every day pesticide use affects children.  Now, instead of some boon doggle, I think that would have merit, as altho there are warning labels against allowing children to use them, no one has ever checked to see how everyday exposure affects how the grow and develope.

But of course Boxer and Bill have carted out the old nazi card again (like that is a surprise) and accused the EPA of testing Pestacides ON children.  Which is totally false and factually empty.

I guess the liberal leadership is again searching for anything to hate about the Bush Administration, and not finding anything, are making things up!

Boxer's IQ just went down another 10 points.  She should sell it before it goes through the floor.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 09, 2005

Someone needs to slap the shit out of this ignorant neocon republican.

What is really horrific about this pesticides testing with children is that we already know that the pesticides are dangerous. They are poisonous on very dangerous levels. Yet, rather than instructing people on safe use of them, or telling them that they shouldn't even be around children, these dickheads want to just let the kids continue to be exposed to them, then measure the amount of damage done. That's fucked up. And, I applaud Boxer for her efforts to expose this bullshit and prevent this double dickhead's nomination to run the EPA. This is so wrong...........

Ah, I see the Boxer PR brigade is on patrol!  Hey idiot!  NO ONE IS TESTING PESTICIDES ON CHILDREN!

Did you even read the article?  They are trying to see if the residual effects of pesiticides have an impact on children!  The only way you can be against this, and then only tangentally, is to advocate the total elimination of pesticides!  So then what is worse?  The pesiticides, or the pest and the disease and germs they spread!

You are totally assinine and as stupid as Boxer!  You would have us ignore realitiy just so you can claim that neo cons (of which there are none around here, sorry for your ET experiences) are trying to hurt children when the exact opposite is true!

You would sacrafice children, like you tortured Terri just for your own agenda with no regard to the innocents you are hurting!  I hope you dont hav children or that they are taken away by CHild protective services.  Anyone willing to sacrafice children for an agenda of hate is no fit parent, period.

on Apr 09, 2005

God, you are such a freakin' moron......... Holy shit!
That is EXACTLY what I said. DOH!!! DUH!!!!

No, you just can read worth shit!  You are a moron!  A worthless one at that.

on Apr 09, 2005

Har har, you just did.

Tar is the female incarnation of Petey, havent any of you recognized it yet?

No, SPM is an intelligent beligerant pompous asshole.  And funny in his own way.  This poster is just a venemous Wise fawn that cant string 2 coherant thoughts together.

on Apr 09, 2005

Thank you, Ms. Boxer. You brought those assholes to their knees. Now, EPA has to give the money back to the lobbyists who promoted this crazy scheme. Even Johnson couldn't support this totally idiotic and dangerous project.

Yes, thank you Ms Boxer.  You have just condemned children to suffer from pesticides.  Thanks to idiots like you and Dabe who just sacraficed her children on the alter of political hate.

What an idiot!  You just proved my subtitle. She and you can get stupider!

on Apr 09, 2005

Reply By: Tarantula-X (Bob's devoted daughter)(Anonymous User)     Posted: Saturday, April 09, 2005

Look, for the last time you illiterate anon troll, you want to debate, get an account.  Notice I did not delete Dabe's posts?  Why?  2 reasons, she is not anon, and she posted on subject. 

But you?  You never post on topic, never coherantly and never have any facts!  This is my last response to you other than



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