Boxer and fellow idiot Bill Nelson are holding up Stephen Johnson's vote as head of the EPA. The reason? Because he will not denounce a program that tests children for pestacides.
Not test Pestacides on Children, but just to see how the exposure to every day pesticide use affects children. Now, instead of some boon doggle, I think that would have merit, as altho there are warning labels against allowing children to use them, no one has ever checked to see how everyday exposure affects how the grow and develope.
But of course Boxer and Bill have carted out the old nazi card again (like that is a surprise) and accused the EPA of testing Pestacides ON children. Which is totally false and factually empty.
I guess the liberal leadership is again searching for anything to hate about the Bush Administration, and not finding anything, are making things up!
Boxer's IQ just went down another 10 points. She should sell it before it goes through the floor.