Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Voices from around the world
Published on March 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

From one of the protests against the war on terrorism, we have Idiot #1:

Akono from Cambodia, who is married to a British man and is pregnant, said that she planned to go on a hunger strike from April 14 in protest against the continuing war on terror.

"I want to do everything I can to make sure my child has a secure future," she said.

Hey Brainless!  If you starve your unborn child, they wont have a future!

NO wonder thugs like Saddam and Kim Jung Il thrive with mindless puppets like these to bleat their idiocy.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 24, 2005
Who really cares who we "offend"? Who are we really offending anywayz? Are we offending terrorists? GOOD! Are we offending murderers? GOOD! Are we offending people who threaten what freedom we have left? GOOD! I think the war is going good. A little stretched out maybe. But the reasoning is correct. these animals have to be removed from the earth. Some people don't deserve to live.
And as to the woman starving herself AND her baby... I wonder if a baby can be moved to another womans body. And if so... Can the baby, having been moved, have a better chance of not being a dumb___ like it's mother? Hmmmm..........
on Mar 25, 2005
'And we are supposed to LIsten to these idiots?'

Two questions, Dr. Guy:
1. How do you define 'these idiots'? As far as I can see this is one solitary individual, and no specified authority on anything.
2. Who told you you were supposed to listen to them?
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