Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on September 11, 2007 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Quoting verbatim:

"Oooh lets wish him well. Let's hope for a speedy recovery." BULLSHIT.

I hope the guy has a serious illness that doesn't kill him, but lays him just low enough to linger until we have a Democratic president take office in 09, THEN he can take his well-deserved dirt nap. These people are evil, corrupt, ruthless tools of corporate america and they will stop at nothing to grant their masters all manner of legal goodies via the Supreme Court at the expense of average working americans like me. I hope they get everything coming to them, and moreso.

You wanna win? You gotta be heartless and ruthless. Roberts is a joke as a supreme court justice, let alone chief justice. Frankly, I'd rather see that fat prick Scalia bite the big one, but we're not that lucky. Hey, maybe a bunch of those self-important cretins will die prematurely when the Democratic president takes office in 09.

Just saying what everyone's thinking, or SHOULD be thinking. Remember who the enemy is.

I would like someone, anyone, to show a similar vile comment directed to, say Ruth Bader Ginsberg, from the other side.  With a link of course.  I would like to read what site is posting such vile trash from the right side of the spectrum. 

Unfortunately, we do not need any more links from the left side as they are all too common and easy to find these days.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 11, 2007
That's horrid! Regardless of who they are voting for or whomever 'side' they are on, to wish someone to die and to be filled with so much hate is abominable! I've never visited that website and I'm glad I don't!
on Sep 11, 2007
Both sides have these kinds of's so immature to get this worked up over politics.

I say screw it and let me be President.

on Sep 11, 2007

That's horrid! Regardless of who they are voting for or whomever 'side' they are on

It is horrid, and the worse part is this guy seems to think that is the way to get his point across.  I have not seen this from the right, and that is why I am truly interested to see if there are such sites like that.  This is not even the worst this site has to offer, and Elizabeth Edwards is thanking these idiots!!!!!

on Sep 11, 2007

Both sides have these kinds of's so immature to get this worked up over politics.

Hence why I asked for links.  I want to read where the right is saying this kind of stuff.

on Sep 11, 2007
Well, I think accusing someone directly of murder qualifies, don't you?

WWW Link

In 1994, Rush Limbaugh reported as "rumor" that Vince Foster was murdered. He backtracked, but he did so with the clever poise of an attorney who has just launched a vicious attack only to return to the bench on the opposing counsel's objection. He knew his rabidly faithful listeners would remember the rumour, not the retraction.

The DU is pretty filthy, I'll grant you that. But when Jerry Falwell can get on TV and say homos caused 9/11, when Pat Robertson can write off Katrina as "God's wrath", is there really a moral high ground here? The DU doesn't represent the mainstream of the Democratic Party, fortunately, and there's enough sleaze on the part of both sides to go around.

But none of this detracts from the absolute horrendous nature of this animal's comments.
on Sep 12, 2007
Well, I think accusing someone directly of murder qualifies, don't you?

No, but at least you gave a link. I am not talking false accusations, as there is none in this diatribe by du,org. I am talking of hate and vile and rooting for someone die who has had an episode.

I did not post how "someone" said that "Bush" planned 9-11. I figure they are just kooks, and this one falls into that category.
on Sep 12, 2007
buncha hannity's homeboys mouthin off

buncha vile liars at freerepublic

here's some nice folks who hate ginsburg cuz shes jewish

your zombies are no better than others'.

Thanks for the links KB (I cant get into storm front at this time). However, both you and Gideon have shown some sites that definitely do not like Democrats. And definitely do not agree with them. Yet in the links (3 that I could get into), other than calling Ginsberg a rat, I have not seen the kind of hate and vitriol demonstrated by this one post (among many) at Nowhere was anyone saying "she should die" or "should be killed" or "I wish she would.....".

Again, I ask for a place where, not lies or rumors are published. We can flood this forum with those from both sides easily enough (and half of them would be from MSM sources as well). I am looking for a post showing where they are reveling in the misfortunes of the opposition and calling for the death or other ill befalling the opposition. Not name calling of the other for their politics (which I think we all can agree happens all too frequently in any event - even by me).

And kb, for the record they are not my zombies. if you can find any place I have posted anything like this piece, I will print a retraction both here and at that place. Otherwise, I would ask you to print your retraction. As I did when you called me on a mis-statement of mine.
on Sep 12, 2007

here's some nice folks who hate ginsburg cuz shes jewish

OK, kb, that is abhorrent!  Not like it surprised me, as I know that it exists.  It is despicable and putrid.  And racist (or anti-semitic if you do not think of Jews as a race).  I am glad, at least, they are confined to their own cesspool, and I will now denounce that post as a bunch of bigoted ignoramuses.

But in the posts I read, while they are a bunch of Neanderthal cavemen (or women and I don't give a damn about GEICO), they appeared to at least be just that.  I am sure in their private life, they probably do burn crosses and poke pins in dolls of those they hate (BTW:  Wrong Ginsberg).  But it appears the site at least has a TOU that prevents them from saying it.  In other words, at least the owners know that there is a point that must not or cannot be crossed. And are enforcing it.

Which still leaves me with the question.  Where on the right are such vile and putrid statements being made as are on and their sister sites.  I am sure there is a Nazi site out there, but then we are looking for a site devoted to the right, not race purity - as if that exists.

So again, with thanks to Gideon and kingbee for links, please find sites on the right that mirror what this mainstream (what else can we assume since Elizabeth Edwards frequents it and has thanked them) site has shown us of the left - that the leaders of said side refuse to repudiate.

on Sep 13, 2007
I notice that the left hates enough to wish long lingering deaths of those they hate. I notice on the right the people think the actions of their opponents are bad and call them names like rat, or traitors. The major differences are on the right they disapprove of the actions of the nuts on the left and on the left they seem to hate the people and personalize their hate. I may be wrong but calling someone a traitor because of their words or deeds is much different than wishing the person they disagree with should die because they disagree with them. Hate speech is deplored by the people on the left but I have yet to see any hate speech on the right of the arguments. Look at col. Gene and his vile hate right here on JU and according to the left wing bloggers Gene is a center right nut. I am not a right wing zealot and at one time I was a conservative democrat. My cousin who is in town for a convention is still a democrat but as I listened to him speak I noticed he had the same views as I do, he is a conservative democrat as I once was. He does not share in the hate but he has valid ideas to solve our national issues. He has my deep respect. My son, who is in town for the same convention, on the other hand is a liberal republican but he is young only 40 years old. He used to be a democrat. I don’t hate democrats but I am fearful of liberals on both sides of the political isle.
on Sep 13, 2007
notice on the right the people think the actions of their opponents are bad and call them names like rat, or traitors. The major differences are on the right they disapprove of the actions of the nuts on the left and on the left they seem to hate the people and personalize their hate.

That is why I asked in this blog. My perception is the same. If there is such a site like,, Puffington Host, or dailykos on the right, I want to see it and read the vile and putrid hate that comes from it. So that I at least can stop being so myopic as to see that this is purely a left wing trait.
on Sep 13, 2007
see, this is proof that you are crazy and need to die! You, what to be civil and thoughtful in your actions and words. Being honest and fair is hate speech!

Nice to see I am not alone. Thanks
on Sep 13, 2007
see, this is proof that you are crazy and need to die! You, what to be civil and thoughtful in your actions and words. Being honest and fair is hate speech!

I love it! Thanks for a laugh at the end of a very trying day!  

And no, you are not alone. Now if we can just get more people in on this. JU is not a problem as the loons (save one) manage to get themselves banned.
on Sep 14, 2007
Such idiotic and uncouth views are not worthy of your time, Doc.
on Sep 14, 2007
But when Jerry Falwell can get on TV and say homos caused 9/11, when Pat Robertson can write off Katrina as "God's wrath", is there really a moral high ground here?
Beautiful counterpoint, Gideon! Bravo.
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