Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on September 11, 2007 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Quoting verbatim:

"Oooh lets wish him well. Let's hope for a speedy recovery." BULLSHIT.

I hope the guy has a serious illness that doesn't kill him, but lays him just low enough to linger until we have a Democratic president take office in 09, THEN he can take his well-deserved dirt nap. These people are evil, corrupt, ruthless tools of corporate america and they will stop at nothing to grant their masters all manner of legal goodies via the Supreme Court at the expense of average working americans like me. I hope they get everything coming to them, and moreso.

You wanna win? You gotta be heartless and ruthless. Roberts is a joke as a supreme court justice, let alone chief justice. Frankly, I'd rather see that fat prick Scalia bite the big one, but we're not that lucky. Hey, maybe a bunch of those self-important cretins will die prematurely when the Democratic president takes office in 09.

Just saying what everyone's thinking, or SHOULD be thinking. Remember who the enemy is.

I would like someone, anyone, to show a similar vile comment directed to, say Ruth Bader Ginsberg, from the other side.  With a link of course.  I would like to read what site is posting such vile trash from the right side of the spectrum. 

Unfortunately, we do not need any more links from the left side as they are all too common and easy to find these days.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 14, 2007

But when Jerry Falwell can get on TV and say homos caused 9/11, when Pat Robertson can write off Katrina as "God's wrath", is there really a moral high ground here?
Beautiful counterpoint, Gideon! Bravo.

And on the left we have George Soros and Michael Moore.  But even they (to my knowledge) have not sunk to these depths of personal (not generalized) destruction. I want to see where it is being done on the right.  I want to see the depravity we see on the left, demonstrated on the right.

on Sep 18, 2007
Guy, unless you do it you won't see it. They point at a few people that speak their mind and try to equate it with organizations whose sole purpose is to destroy the person not the message they are making. The right does not work that way, for the left it is am matter of course. The right will say Clinton lied, because it was proven in a court of law that he did this and we are shocked that anyone would support a man that would look us in the eye and lie then lie in the courts when it is his job to uphold the law. I did not hate Mr. Clinton because he lied I wanted him out of office because he lied.

The left hates Mr. Bush because he is not one of them so they look for reasons to have the same indignation the right correctly showed. The starting point for them is hate and then a reason to hate. They don’t seem to see a difference between lying in a court of law and stating facts that later prove to be inaccurate.
on Sep 18, 2007
The left hates Mr. Bush because he is not one of them

This (the quote) was not even about Bush, but Roberts. I get your point, but it is apparent that it goes beyond a person and is a way of life to them. Those they cannot agree with, they must then seek out their personal destruction.

So far, on 3 threads, this one and 2 similar ones, no one has been able to produce a link to anything remotely like it. Just a bunch of right wing sites that call democrats and leftists stupid and idiots. Hardly what I am discussing here.
on Sep 18, 2007
Here's funny. I'd vote - would give up my dedication to abstaining - to vote for almost anyone here on JU. Is that effed up or what? (Yes, COL Gene doesn't count - not even to 20 with his shoes and socks off)

Whether I agree or disagree with any of you, you all seem to have far more interest in making things better, be you left or right in nature, than ANY of the politicians I see.

JU for president!
on Sep 18, 2007
JU for president!

People who want to be president, never should be allowed to be.
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