Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

By now, we have all heard about the senseless tragedy that occurred at Va. Tech (or VPISU if you want the official name).  For most of us here on JU, it was something that the 24 hour news services had to play over and over and over again, even when there was nothing new to report.  That is not new (or news) as we have come to expect it, and most at JU could escape it by simply turning off the 24 hour News Channels.

Not so in the Old Dominion, where we are subject to that coverage not only on all the regular news media outlets (CNN, Fox, MSNBC), but our local TV and Radio stations as well.  Tech is the largest school in Virginia, and there is hardly anyone in the state that does not know someone, or is related to someone, who goes there, myself included.

Several articles have been posted on JU about it, and with almost no exceptions, all have been reverent and respectful of those who lost their lives, and the families that lost loved ones.  There is a lot of anger in those articles, no doubt about that.  But that anger is directed towards the media and the blame game that started up almost before the shooting ended.  An anger that is, IMHO, justified at the vultures of the media.

It seems that the MSM has redefined its job.  Not just to report the news, but to assign itself the role of Nation conscious, and watchdog.  Along with Judge, Jury and Executioner.  They long ago stopped reporting the tragedy, and have sunk into a morass of finger pointing, blame flaming, and cries of outrage that "Someone" or "something" was not done to prevent this from occurring.  When sane, rational people can only feel sorrow and empathy for the victims of this event.

I was discussing this with a friend this morning.  And in that, I remarked that I was so glad my son and daughter were not at Tech (one goes to the other University in Virginia - the other wont be there for 4 months).  He stated it could have happened anywhere.  Yes it could have, but that was not my point.  It did happen at Tech, and I was not one of the 25,000 families that could not function yesterday worrying about if their loved one was among the victims.

It could have happened anywhere.  And sadly, probably will at some time in the future happen somewhere else.  And that is the real lesson that we are learning from this tragedy.  It has happened elsewhere, both in the USA and in other countries.  As we have seen and heard, no place is safe from demented people with a mission.  And nothing can be done to stop such people in a society that is open and free.

But when it does happen, we can act like the vultures of the press - looking for a body to blame and descend upon. Or we can act like the people of JU.  Mourning the loss, and offering moral support and comfort to the victims and their families.

The latter is what I am proud of at JU today (and yesterday).  The former is why I have no respect for what constitutes the Mainstream Media today.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 17, 2007
Yes I understand what you mean Doc. While the media is great in that we hear what is going on around the world and here in our own country and truthfully, without them, we wouldn't know. However, this penchant they all have to analyse and play the blame game and the guessing game when they dont' have all the facts, is tiresome! Why are they having people to analyse and to guess and to suppose when we all didn't know what was the reason for what happened? It's amazing that they keep doing the same thing over and over and over again, no matter what news they are reporting.
on Apr 17, 2007

It was enough to report.  It was expected to make it the lead story.  But when they started hounding the survivors on "whose fault it was", was when I shut the off.

The fault was a demented man, the why I am sure the psychiatrists will postulate on.  That is the psychiatrists job, and they are eminently more qualified than a bunch of failed novelist who write for papers - or preen for cameras.

on Apr 17, 2007
No one here has a beef with South Koreans. Most or all of the rabid gun control people have ceased to hang around JU. The fact is bloggers here aren't circling because there is no meat for them. A bosnian with a "muslim" name shoots up a mall, though... that's grist for the mill, victims be damned. The reaction here is more of a reflection of the hypocrisy of MANY people here at JU.
on Apr 17, 2007

Reply By: BakerStreetPosted: Tuesday, April 17, 2007

even though I can feel the anger rolling off the page baker, I have to say, damn good to see you.

on Apr 17, 2007
Just temporarily while i am finishing some things up. It's good to see you back, though, Modman.
on Apr 17, 2007

The reaction here is more of a reflection of the hypocrisy of MANY people here at JU.

There is a time and place for all things.  This is neither the time nor place.  For generalizations or for snide ass comments.

on Apr 17, 2007
It is human nature...base human nature, that try and find the cause, the source, of the problem. The real problem, the psychopath that did the killings, is people are looking for someone else to blame. Even if the killer was taken alive, you'd have a bunch of people searching for an outside answer because their idiocy prevents them from seeing that some people really are fucking crazy and there's nothing to be done about it. I believe this kind of thing is genetic...all people have the capacity for violence, but something in these people prevents their control over those urges. It is the murder's fault...he's the one to blame not guns, video games, the school, or whatever. You can't control what everyone does....and the only closure here is that can be offered is that the killer is dead. Playing the blame game is not going to do one damn bit of good.

on Apr 17, 2007

Playing the blame game is not going to do one damn bit of good.

And does not serve the purpose of the day.  There is plenty of time for playing those games.  Hours after the tragedy is not that time.

on Apr 17, 2007
The media has little to do with reporting facts. It's an entertainment industry and they will say or do whatever they can to prolong a story to boost ratings. They couldn't care less about the story itself.
on Apr 17, 2007
The media has little to do with reporting facts. It's an entertainment industry and they will say or do whatever they can to prolong a story to boost ratings. They couldn't care less about the story itself.

Then they should not run screaming "Freedom of the Press" every time they feel threatened. The founders did not guarantee freedom of entertainment.
on Apr 18, 2007
i think people just don;t know what to say and that's when finger pointing starts. it's easier than silence.
on Apr 18, 2007
i think people just don;t know what to say and that's when finger pointing starts. it's easier than silence.
on Apr 18, 2007
News vans came to my campus yesterday. I thought they were here to cover the diversity march or the AIDS rally. Were they? Nope. They were here to get our opinions on the VA Tech shootings. I don't know why they picked us, but they sure did.

But they weren't content with asking questions and getting responses. The journalist on scene was teaching people how to act scared, upset, angry etc. She was coaching people to say things like, "They should have shut down the campus. All those people could have been saved." or the opposite, "I think locking down our dorms is an over reaction. They're treating us like babies!"

I wish I had known that's why they were here. I would have been happy to walk over there, give the media a piece of my mind and dare them to air that.
on Apr 19, 2007

i think people just don;t know what to say and that's when finger pointing starts. it's easier than silence.

I draw a distinction between John Q public, and the news media.  It is not the job of John Public to disseminate facts.  It is (or is supposed to be) the job of the media.  And in that, they are failing miserably.

on Apr 19, 2007

I wish I had known that's why they were here. I would have been happy to walk over there, give the media a piece of my mind and dare them to air that.

I wish you could have done that, but I agree - your reaction would not have fit their pre-packaged agenda, and would have been ignored.

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