Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

By now, we have all heard about the senseless tragedy that occurred at Va. Tech (or VPISU if you want the official name).  For most of us here on JU, it was something that the 24 hour news services had to play over and over and over again, even when there was nothing new to report.  That is not new (or news) as we have come to expect it, and most at JU could escape it by simply turning off the 24 hour News Channels.

Not so in the Old Dominion, where we are subject to that coverage not only on all the regular news media outlets (CNN, Fox, MSNBC), but our local TV and Radio stations as well.  Tech is the largest school in Virginia, and there is hardly anyone in the state that does not know someone, or is related to someone, who goes there, myself included.

Several articles have been posted on JU about it, and with almost no exceptions, all have been reverent and respectful of those who lost their lives, and the families that lost loved ones.  There is a lot of anger in those articles, no doubt about that.  But that anger is directed towards the media and the blame game that started up almost before the shooting ended.  An anger that is, IMHO, justified at the vultures of the media.

It seems that the MSM has redefined its job.  Not just to report the news, but to assign itself the role of Nation conscious, and watchdog.  Along with Judge, Jury and Executioner.  They long ago stopped reporting the tragedy, and have sunk into a morass of finger pointing, blame flaming, and cries of outrage that "Someone" or "something" was not done to prevent this from occurring.  When sane, rational people can only feel sorrow and empathy for the victims of this event.

I was discussing this with a friend this morning.  And in that, I remarked that I was so glad my son and daughter were not at Tech (one goes to the other University in Virginia - the other wont be there for 4 months).  He stated it could have happened anywhere.  Yes it could have, but that was not my point.  It did happen at Tech, and I was not one of the 25,000 families that could not function yesterday worrying about if their loved one was among the victims.

It could have happened anywhere.  And sadly, probably will at some time in the future happen somewhere else.  And that is the real lesson that we are learning from this tragedy.  It has happened elsewhere, both in the USA and in other countries.  As we have seen and heard, no place is safe from demented people with a mission.  And nothing can be done to stop such people in a society that is open and free.

But when it does happen, we can act like the vultures of the press - looking for a body to blame and descend upon. Or we can act like the people of JU.  Mourning the loss, and offering moral support and comfort to the victims and their families.

The latter is what I am proud of at JU today (and yesterday).  The former is why I have no respect for what constitutes the Mainstream Media today.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 04, 2007
Political correctness is the act of stifling something in order to appease the sensibilities of other people.
on May 04, 2007
Political correctness is the act of stifling something in order to appease the sensibilities of other people.

Only if they are in a recognized group of victims.
on May 04, 2007
Everything is black or white with you, isn't it? It isn't just blame the killer OR blame the police. If that were the case you'd not have locks on your doors, after all if something happens it won't be your fault. I have a feeling if it were one of your kids who sat in class oblivious to the fact a killer was on campus you'd feel a tad different.

This is just a PC way of shaming people, a lot of them families and students, for asking very valid questions. I don't blame the victims here. I'm not calling the students 'little eichmanns', etc., so your same old crap kind of falls flat. I'm asking why the people who were paid to protect the students didn't do everything within their power to do so. One thing I REFUSE to do is liken the victims, who want answers, to someone looking for a quick buck through an ambulance chaser.

Only a short time before, when there was an escaped criminal on campus, they did. When they start finding bodies later, they don't. If, and granted it is an if, someone told them not to blow things out of proportion the next time, then that person should be held accountable FOR THE RESPONSE. Not the killings. No one is absolving the killer.

If it is the Clinton administration and 9/11, you have no problem talking about how they didn't do everything that could be done. You understand that while bin Laden was to blame they slacked up, and you aren't to PC to say it. Methinks you are as much a tool of the media in this one as the people you are talking about. You just want to be perceived as taking the "high road".

No one is saying "she shouldn't have worn the dress", doc, but if she was paying someone to protect her and they didn't do all they could...
on May 04, 2007
Everything is black or white with you, isn't it? It isn't just blame the killer OR blame the police. If that were the case you'd not have locks on your doors, after all if something happens it won't be your fault. I have a feeling if it were one of your kids who sat in class oblivious to the fact a killer was on campus you'd feel a tad different.

You have been on your horse now for quite some time, but then that is what blogging is all about. However in your quest for windmills, you like to pigeon hole everyone into your own prejudices so that you can then rail against them. That is poor debating if you ask me, but I doubt you will, or that it will change your tactics.

I never said OR. I never said all was done that could be done. I am not victimizing the victims. And as I stated (if you even bothered to read the article, which your first response and this one seems to indicate you did not), I, unlike you, had a closer stake in this tragedy.

Does that change my opinions? No. Do I want to blame the campus police for NOT knowing all that is knowable? No. Did I say they did everything right? No.

So now that we have established that I think the Campus police are human, and in hindsight blew a call, and that locking down a campus of 25k when over 40% live off campus is unfeasable (and readily admit that if the killer last fall had taken a mind to, could have put a few more notches on his belt regardless of the lockdown), we can now crucify them and ruin their lives. Which I am sure will bring back the 30 students and faculty killed after the initial 2.

You accuse me of living in a black and white world? Well, mr. Pot, take a look in the mirror. You cant see any opinions other than those you agree with, and those you do not. There is no third choice for you. Which is a shame since that means most of your efforts are directed against windmills, instead of the real villians.
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