Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Somethings are absolute.  In that no amount of pontificating, politicizing, or lying, can change them.  One is the law of Supply and Demand.  You can deny it, but it will prove you wrong every time.

Another is the law of conservation of matter.  In other words, matter changes form, but the sum total (with minor exceptions) is not changed.  And so the supply of water - whether salt or fresh - is a constant.

But now, We are supposed to believe that if global warming continues, water is going to disappear!  Yes!  Not only will we get hotter, but we wont get rain!

Any of you global warming freaks want to address this?  Let me clue you in.  The biggest warming disaster in the solar system is.........Venus!  And why?  Cause it has CLOUDS!  And what do CLOUDS have?  Excuse me while I take a break.

WATER.  SO while we may be a sauna (sources unknown - hint - Look at the latest Caldera!), we are not going to be a desert!

Simply put, if you want to scare us, do so with reality.  Not Freddy and Muad'Dib!  Cause even the least of us, know that is just plain stupid.  There are no Shai Halud's here.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 15, 2007
My son's physics class watched "An Inconvient Truth". The idea was that they would watch it, then talk about the science used to come to Gore's conclusions. The only conclusion they came to was that there wasn't any science involved.
on Mar 15, 2007

The only conclusion they came to was that there wasn't any science involved.

Even more than his movie is the PC people that we have to accept!  As they get more radical, they get stupider.

on Mar 15, 2007
Some people will swallow anything hook, line, and sinker. It basically just proves that the PC people are just a bunch of thoughtless clods incapable of any sort of critical thinking. They merely parrot what is fed to them without ever understanding any of it. But it makes them feel so smart.
on Mar 16, 2007

It basically just proves that the PC people are just a bunch of thoughtless clods incapable of any sort of critical thinking.

Like the sheep in Animal farm.  Still it boggles my mind that people can be so stupid - and at that level of responsibility!

on Mar 17, 2007
I would like to ask what you refer when you talk about "PC"?
on Mar 17, 2007
would like to ask what you refer when you talk about "PC"?

Good question. PC literally means politically correct. IN this case, I used it to mean the people that cannot tolerate opposing viewpoints on Global Warming.
on Mar 18, 2007
Good question. PC literally means politically correct. IN this case, I used it to mean the people that cannot tolerate opposing viewpoints on Global Warming.

I see.

Even if mostly everywhere in the world (save the U.S.) global warming man-made has been accepted as a fact?

Mostly, I see the negationisms as victims of the heavy polluters's propaganda.. and/or people who just want to get rich not caring about the environnement. Here in Canada, it's moslty the Albertans, and surprise-surprise, they are getting rich (as a state) on heavy-pollution oil exploitation.

Well, slowly, but surely, the facts are getting to them about G.W., and it's becoming easier and easier to convince them. How about U.S.A.? are you governement/lobbies still hammers that the topic is "still debated among the scientific community"? Because it's been a few years the debate stopped about the actual existence of GW, and I think the U.N.'s official scientist panel will actually officialise the man's responsability in it.
on Mar 18, 2007
Even if mostly everywhere in the world (save the U.S.) global warming man-made has been accepted as a fact?

Only in politics - not in science. In science a fact is a very precious thing. And is not open to debate or concensus. So your statement again is a non-sequitar. Show me where any scientist accepts it as fact, and I will show you a charlatan.

Anyway, this was not about whether GW was real or not (please show me where anyone, least of all me, denied it). This was about an impossibility that the UN was trying to pass off as the big bad wolf. And any scientist will tell you that they are full of piss and poop.
on Mar 19, 2007
Only in politics - not in science. In science a fact is a very precious thing. And is not open to debate or concensus. So your statement again is a non-sequitar. Show me where any scientist accepts it as fact, and I will show you a charlatan.

does that count? Oh, sorry, my bad, that was written in 2004...

this was written this febuary, about the IPCC's most recent estimates, which agrees that the Global Warming is worse than expected, and human activity is responsible for it.

The actual existence of Global Warming has been accepted as a fact by the IPCC since 2001. But no hard and solid proof were there to actualy know as a fact that human activity is responsible.

the IPCC is a very conservative study group, and usually take position on the most solid grounds possible
on Mar 19, 2007
The actual existence of Global Warming has been accepted as a fact by the IPCC since 2001. But no hard and solid proof were there to actualy know as a fact that human activity is responsible.

Again you are confusing belief with facts. None of your sources stated or even alleged that Global Warming was a scientific fact. Because it is not (it may prove to be one, yet it has not been to date).

And whether GW warming is real or a fake, one thing is certain. The UN report is a bunch of hogwash (the reason for this blog to begin with). Water is not going to disappear with Global Warming. Period. It may not be in the same form and proportions as it is today, but it will still be here.
on Mar 19, 2007
Only in politics - not in science. In science a fact is a very precious thing. And is not open to debate or concensus. So your statement again is a non-sequitar. Show me where any scientist accepts it as fact, and I will show you a charlatan.

actually, i addressed this whole thing in a recent article ...WWW Link

on Mar 19, 2007
Again you are confusing belief with facts. None of your sources stated or even alleged that Global Warming was a scientific fact. Because it is not (it may prove to be one, yet it has not been to date).

My god, you're head's harder than adamantine. I would like to know what event would make you consider global warming a scientific fact? I mean, except graphs and projections, there isn't a goddamn thing to measure climate!

Water is not going to disappear with Global Warming. Period. It may not be in the same form and proportions as it is today, but it will still be here.

no. However, drinkable water is going to disapear, as the water mass is moving out of the land, and into the sea. Lands are becoming dryier every year, deserts are progressing and wetlands are disapearing.

on Mar 19, 2007
actually, i addressed this whole thing in a recent article ...

Missed it on the first go round. But the problem with those trying to squelch debate (off topic I know), is that until GW becomes a scientific fact, it MUST be questioned so that all possibilities can be examined and rejected, or incorporated into the observable data.

So even if we all believe global warming is occuring, scientist, based on the scientific method, cannot call it a fact until it is proven to be one.
on Mar 19, 2007
is that until GW becomes a scientific fact, it MUST be questioned

guy, you know that everything in this debate has to do with the future, and no one can give a 100% guarantee. questioning is one thing, but the "anti-GW" crowd isn't questioning, they are nitpicking and claiming that if they can do a "gotacha" when someone over-reaches a lil with their claims, that the whole thing is just a bunch of hooey and we should just do nothing.

i disagree. despite "the debate" it is clear that the enviromental harm that we cause is most likely unprecedented. unless of course, the dinosaurs had big ol SUV's and chemical plants that our archeologists somehow missed.

doing nothing leads to nothing. waiting till everything is 100% guaranteed might be too late, imho.

doing some things, prudently and pragmatically, addressing the most obvious of concerns, in my opinion will only lead to more innovation that could and would have a positive impact on many things in our lives. in my article, i compared it to the space program and kennedy's "moon vision" that lead to some 30,000+ innovations and still continues to reap benefits.

on Mar 19, 2007
doing nothing leads to nothing. waiting till everything is 100% guaranteed might be too late, imho.

And here is where we can debate (and take this on a tangent). I believe that doing "something" when you do not understand the problem is worse than doing nothing. It is like the surgeon taking out a kidney when the problem is the spleen. Until we can determine what the cause truly is (and since Mars is showing a proportional rise in temperatures it could be due to the high solar activity that man has nothing to do with), then doing "something" may make the problem worse, or even if it does not, over correct when solar activity goes back to normal.

I dont think anyone in the debate is saying that controlling polution is not a good idea. But using a shotgun, when a scalpel is needed, is not the answer either.
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