Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Somethings are absolute.  In that no amount of pontificating, politicizing, or lying, can change them.  One is the law of Supply and Demand.  You can deny it, but it will prove you wrong every time.

Another is the law of conservation of matter.  In other words, matter changes form, but the sum total (with minor exceptions) is not changed.  And so the supply of water - whether salt or fresh - is a constant.

But now, We are supposed to believe that if global warming continues, water is going to disappear!  Yes!  Not only will we get hotter, but we wont get rain!

Any of you global warming freaks want to address this?  Let me clue you in.  The biggest warming disaster in the solar system is.........Venus!  And why?  Cause it has CLOUDS!  And what do CLOUDS have?  Excuse me while I take a break.

WATER.  SO while we may be a sauna (sources unknown - hint - Look at the latest Caldera!), we are not going to be a desert!

Simply put, if you want to scare us, do so with reality.  Not Freddy and Muad'Dib!  Cause even the least of us, know that is just plain stupid.  There are no Shai Halud's here.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 21, 2007
Which goes to bolster my arguemnt that the UN report, and the chicken littles of the whole GW politics are full of bull piss.

and as an american, it is your right to sit in your glass house and feel however ya want. no matter how wrong you are.

take care guy...
on Mar 21, 2007
Also, I was listening to a news story a few days ago where a Canadian scientist was describing how he and some of his fellow scientists who rebuke the man-made theory have had news media refuse to report their findings and have even received death threats for voicing their ideas.

And that is more scary than any fear of GW. For once we have stiffled debate on an important issue, we lose the freedom to act responsibly, and most other freedoms are sure to follow.
on Mar 21, 2007
no, because they are a very minor group of fringe scientists and/or are sponsored and directed by large oil companies and the like. feel free to stick with the "10%ers" (at best) .

Again, an allegation not supported with facts at hand.
on Mar 21, 2007
and as an american, it is your right to sit in your glass house and feel however ya want. no matter how wrong you are.

Failing to jump off a cliff may mean that I will always be wrong about the experience of free fall - but I will be around to savor that decision. Sorry if I do not follow the leading GS lemings over the cliff.
on Mar 21, 2007
i've written about it in the past in articles and responses,,,and you know it...i'm not repeating myself over and over...geeez
on Mar 21, 2007
just a note,,,coming out of his house testimony, en route to his senate testimony, al was swarmed with reporters, mostly asking about a presidential run. he made the following points...

1) he has no intention of running (he said it in several different ways)
2) he enjoyed hearing "the other side"
3) he thought that both sides made good points
4) felt that working together and bipartisanly was the only way to go

sounded pretty reasonable to me...
on Mar 21, 2007
Warming of the climate system is unequivocal

Yes,it was proven years ago that we were in a global warming stage. the proof of this is that the last ice age ended 13,000 years ago, the ice has melted all around the world and that water has evaperated out of the soil that had a lush green sahara region to an arid deasert that has been growing for centuries. If man was the cause why did it happen before mankinds industrial revolution, which is the supposed cause of global warming?

It has also been proven that the Earth has gone through hot and cold cycles about every 20k years with major Ice ages happening on a scale of millions of years. We have only been studying the global climate since the late 1950's and only began to predict the climate changes in the 1970's and started to connect the dots in the 1980's so with roughly 20 years of scientific facts to go on it is hard to say that mankind is responsible for global warming. If mankind was solely responsible for global warming then why is it that we have had this happening thousands of years ago before man became the dominant species? Did the dinosurs drive SUV's and burn fosil fules?
on Mar 21, 2007
From the Opinion

Last Tuesday, the Times reported that several eminent scientists "argue that some of Mr. Gore's central points [on global warming] are exaggerated and erroneous." The Tenessean reported yesterday that Mr. Gore received $570,000 in royalties from the owners of zinc mines who held mineral leases on his farm. The mines, which closed in 2003 but are scheduled to reopen under a new operator later this year, "emitted thousands of pounds of toxic substances and several times, the water discharged from the mines into nearby rivers had levels of toxins above what was legal."


The New York Times last week interviewed many scientists who say they are alarmed "at what they call [Mr. Gore's] alarmism on global warming." In a front-page piece in its science section, the Times headline read "From a Rapt Audience, a Call to Cool the Hype."
The Times quoted Don Easterbrook, an emeritus professor of geology at Western Washington University, as telling hundreds of experts at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America that "I don't want to pick on Al Gore. But there are a lot of inaccuracies in the statements we are seeing, and we have to temper that with real data." Mr. Easterbrook made clear he has never been paid by any energy corporations and isn't a Republican.

Even James Hansen, a scientist who began issuing warning cries about global warming in the 1980s and is a top adviser to Mr. Gore, concedes that his work may hold "imperfections" and "technical flaws." Other flaws are more serious, such as Mr. Gore's depiction of sea level rises of up to 20 feet, which would cause Florida and New York City to sink below the surface.

Yea, real reasonable. Want to buy a bridge in brooklyn?
on Mar 21, 2007
Yea, real reasonable. Want to buy a bridge in brooklyn?

what isn't reasonable is taking 15 years or so of work and nitpicking 2 paragraphs that like you accuse me of, don't back anything up with facts, only make accusations...

The Times quoted Don Easterbrook, an emeritus professor of geology at Western Washington University, as telling hundreds of experts at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America that "I don't want to pick on Al Gore. But there are a lot of inaccuracies in the statements we are seeing, and we have to temper that with real data." Mr. Easterbrook made clear he has never been paid by any energy corporations and isn't a Republican.

a retired prof from western washington u? a hotbed of science? he wasn't even part of their enviromental science or studies programs. and he only makes an accusation. no facts presented. and how ironic that he needs to make the point that he is the rare breed who feels this wa that isn't paid by oil or a rep.

although it is commendable to w.w.u. that they got this...

Western has long supported environmental stewardship and in 2005 was selected for a national Green Power Leadership Award. Presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy and the Center for Resource Solutions, this award recognizes leading purchasers and suppliers of renewable energy. (from their website)

back to your nitpickin...

Even James Hansen, a scientist who began issuing warning cries about global warming in the 1980s and is a top adviser to Mr. Gore, concedes that his work may hold "imperfections" and "technical flaws."

ok,,,and when haven't i conceded that their side of the debate doesn't at least have that? you really like to lower the bar for your side and raise it all the way up for any opposition, don't ya?

i don't think we need to drive this all the way into the ground, but i don't mind givin ya the bumps and keepin the topic alive, as it is a worthy subject matter.

on Mar 21, 2007
actually guy, i don't want to get into a silly lil pissin contest with ya here...

let me just try to redirect the convo and ask you this...

do you think that it is a good idea to borrow money from china to spend on energy from unstable countries, many of which are knee deep in terrorists, and blow it all into the air till we can't breathe?

if ya do, and feel we should do nothing, fine. but i think we would serve ourselves so much better to URGENTLY redirect that pattern above. even if you think global warming is hogwash. think of it as national security, i don't care. if that ends is condusive to more than 1 agenda, fine by me.

remember when congress almost unanimously passed the clean air act? there was a "joke" that went round saying toyota hired 100 engineers and gm hired 100 lawyers. and where that my be a bumper sticker line, it holds some truth about the real crux of this problem, which isn't necessarily global warming itself, but the time , money and energy wasted on nitpicking the crap out of either side. and just look where each is today vs. then.
on Mar 21, 2007
what isn't reasonable is taking 15 years or so of work and nitpicking 2 paragraphs that like you accuse me of, don't back anything up with facts, only make accusations...

You should REALLY learn thread tracking 101. That was not in support of my thesis (as I already proved that with your own source), that was in response to you previous statement about algore. hey! If you want to defend him go ahead! I know you love the internet he created.

Now why dont you check out the people you slandered above - AS THEY SUPPORT YOU - or perhaps we can just say your sources are horse puckey based upon your own critique?

Nice way to argue both sides of the issue! Please dont learn thread reading 101! I like how you destroy your own sources.
on Mar 21, 2007
a) i didn't destroy my sources. the 1st i did make fun of, granted. the 2nd i agreed with.

and if i missed something,,,big whoop,,,i'm human too and freely admit it. oh well, egg on my face...but go to my next reply, which was there before you responded. i think it's clear that my goal is to work together, not to "win the argument" here, which is your agenda?
on Mar 21, 2007
which is your agenda?

To expose the chicken littles for what they are. So that rational people, who do not fear open and honest debate, can discuss the issues without fear of being branded a witch by the small minded sycophants.
on Mar 21, 2007
To expose the chicken littles for what they are

that's fine, and i don't believe i've endorsed anything radical. like we discussed before, i believe our differences are degrees, and i don't think either of us are lookin to go far right or left here. i watched al today for a couple hours of testimony, and i heard very little that was so outrageous from him. and the lil zing barbara boxer gave inhoff was good comic relief. i think if there could be some good compromises on the nuclear issue, which seem entirely doable outside some of the rhetoric from the extremes, that could go a long way towards a cleaner and healthier planet. as lamar alexander put to gore, it's interesting that nuclear power makes up 70% of our non greenhouse gas emitting energy, yet only accounts for 20% of our electricity. (i'm paraphrasing). costs and safety concerns are going down, due to new technologies that weren't available in the anti-nuke 70's that climaxed with 3 mile island. i think the right could get some trade-offs from the lefties to develop more nuclear energy. what do ya think?

on Mar 23, 2007
Well, so much for the IPCC report. As this link says - another hatchet job.WWW Link
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