Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on June 22, 2006 By Dr Guy In Politics

Back in the days before the Civil war, there was generally considered to be 2 kinds of blacks.  Free Men and slaves.  Free Men, through work or a twinge of conscious of their former masters, were just that.  Free people.  And as such, they enjoyed all the rights granted to other citizens of the US.  They could vote, they could own property, they could marry and raise a family.  They were citizens.

After the war, all the blacks were Free Men (Men used in this sense of Homosapiens, not the masculine gender - although women still could not vote in those days).  Jump to the present.

It seems that these Free Men are now defined in another way.  They think for themselves.  And as such, they do not always parrot a party line.  Sometimes they are liberal (Barak Obama comes to mind as a free thinker of that persuasion) or a conservative.  But woe be to the Free Man that has left the liberal plantation and become a conservative!  For then they are treated like the worst slaves of the Ante Bellum South.  One needs look no further than the supposed PC slurs leveled against Michael Steele this year, and now the smear that Robert Kennedy Jr. is trying to paint Ken Blackwell with.

Long after the election of 04 was decided, long after the allegations of fraud and disenfranchisement were put to rest, long after Kerry decided he Supported the war before he was against it, Robert Kennedy Jr. took a page from Dan Rather and in a hatchet job, attempted to smear the former Secretary of State of Ohio - Ken Blackwell.

His hatchet job was not an honest mistake, or even poor journalist investigation.  It is plain and simple, a smear job.  Refuted not by some right wing publication, but by several of the admittedly liberal media outlets that are at the center of the controversy.  Pointing out the glaring lies, and omissions of a smear job against a politician whose 2 crimes are being black and being conservative.

For that is indeed the anathema of liberals.  If Blacks ever realize they are free men, and can vote any way they want, the democrats are doomed to long period of being a permanent minority party.  Oh, they welcome the votes of blacks, and feed them scraps from the table of power.  But no blacks have any real power in the DNC.  Just look at what they did to Maynard Jackson and McCall.

And in their fear of losing power, and seeing it slip away, all bets are off, all civility is thrown to the wind, and the democrats of today look a lot like the Democrats of 1870, and for that matter 1964.  They use the race card against republicans at every turn, yet that obviously does not work when the republican is black, so they resort to racism themselves.

And the Kennedys are no different.  Instead of bringing America to a higher standard, they perpetuate racism so that they can then turn and warn blacks "See!  You are still victims".  What they do not tell blacks is, yes they are victims.  But not of society or conservatives.  They are victims of liberal racism.

This year, there are 3 blacks that are running for a major office, 2 governorships and a senate seat.  And all have a shot of winning.  And all have been subjected to some of the worst forms of racism since the Ante Bellum south.  But this racism is not coming from the Aryan Nation, or the Klu Klux Klan.  It is coming from the DNC and its leadership. 

Slave holders hated Free Men.  So do Liberals.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 24, 2006

the primary point being ? 3 black republican candidates are being treated worse than slaves while the rest of black america votes for democrats cuz they're suckers.

Quit being stupid.  SINCE!

on Jun 24, 2006

which of the southern states is currently districted to provide its black citizens with representation equal to their demographics?

Which one is not?  Which any state is not?

Let me ask you a question.  How many states have had black governors, and which ones are they. Hint:  not yours!

on Jun 24, 2006

The states in quesion are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. Granted, history isn't kind to them in terms of the civil rights era, but frankly when just standing around can get you shot 40+ times in New York... or maybe even sodomized with a plunger... IF you are black... I'm thinkin that the playing feild is pretty much even now.

Why Alaska?

on Jun 24, 2006

until earlier this month, the official state of ohio online voter registration process--operated by secretary of state blackwell--was more difficult and took longer than did the one blackwell provided on his campaign website.

Proof?  Please show us the money.  Proof.

on Jun 24, 2006
That has to be a point whoring record there, doc... 13 self-bumps over 30 minutes.
on Jun 25, 2006
He is by far more honorable or as honorable

clearly you've set the standard for determining 'honorable' low enuff to include a state official who refuses to recuse himself from certifying qualifying candidates in an upcoming election in which he himself is a declared candidate.

It is YOUR typical double standard of lies, innuendos and half truths

that being the case, you'd be able to offer evidence that proved i was incorrect. since you're unable to do so, you resort to namecalling.

as far as lying, innuendo and half-truths go, you've managed to combine all three in one short phrase by asserting black republican candidates are "
subjected to some of the worst forms of racism since the Ante Bellum south

(your attempt to squirm your way outta all that by pointing to the word 'since' reminds me of the time one of my little sisters went into hysterics insisting to my mom--at the top of her lil 8 year old voice--she'd actually said 'bullSHIP'.)
on Jun 26, 2006

That has to be a point whoring record there, doc... 13 self-bumps over 30 minutes.

Baker, I reply to each poster with an individaul message.  I have always done that, even after they fixed the points so you dont get any points posting to your own blog.  It is my style and always has been.  Why it now has to become a point whoring issue I can only discern that you are parroting the other less informed people around here.  Sorry if you do not like my style, or that I am not on here 24x7 to answer every post as it is posted.

on Jun 26, 2006

It is YOUR typical double standard of lies, innuendos and half truths

that being the case, you'd be able to offer evidence that proved i was incorrect. since you're unable to do so, you resort to namecalling.

Your definition of name calling is very funny.  Show me any name I called you.  Sad part of it is, you still have no proof, no facts, and no point on the topic.  You are getting predictable.  If tiresome.

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