Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on June 22, 2006 By Dr Guy In Politics

Back in the days before the Civil war, there was generally considered to be 2 kinds of blacks.  Free Men and slaves.  Free Men, through work or a twinge of conscious of their former masters, were just that.  Free people.  And as such, they enjoyed all the rights granted to other citizens of the US.  They could vote, they could own property, they could marry and raise a family.  They were citizens.

After the war, all the blacks were Free Men (Men used in this sense of Homosapiens, not the masculine gender - although women still could not vote in those days).  Jump to the present.

It seems that these Free Men are now defined in another way.  They think for themselves.  And as such, they do not always parrot a party line.  Sometimes they are liberal (Barak Obama comes to mind as a free thinker of that persuasion) or a conservative.  But woe be to the Free Man that has left the liberal plantation and become a conservative!  For then they are treated like the worst slaves of the Ante Bellum South.  One needs look no further than the supposed PC slurs leveled against Michael Steele this year, and now the smear that Robert Kennedy Jr. is trying to paint Ken Blackwell with.

Long after the election of 04 was decided, long after the allegations of fraud and disenfranchisement were put to rest, long after Kerry decided he Supported the war before he was against it, Robert Kennedy Jr. took a page from Dan Rather and in a hatchet job, attempted to smear the former Secretary of State of Ohio - Ken Blackwell.

His hatchet job was not an honest mistake, or even poor journalist investigation.  It is plain and simple, a smear job.  Refuted not by some right wing publication, but by several of the admittedly liberal media outlets that are at the center of the controversy.  Pointing out the glaring lies, and omissions of a smear job against a politician whose 2 crimes are being black and being conservative.

For that is indeed the anathema of liberals.  If Blacks ever realize they are free men, and can vote any way they want, the democrats are doomed to long period of being a permanent minority party.  Oh, they welcome the votes of blacks, and feed them scraps from the table of power.  But no blacks have any real power in the DNC.  Just look at what they did to Maynard Jackson and McCall.

And in their fear of losing power, and seeing it slip away, all bets are off, all civility is thrown to the wind, and the democrats of today look a lot like the Democrats of 1870, and for that matter 1964.  They use the race card against republicans at every turn, yet that obviously does not work when the republican is black, so they resort to racism themselves.

And the Kennedys are no different.  Instead of bringing America to a higher standard, they perpetuate racism so that they can then turn and warn blacks "See!  You are still victims".  What they do not tell blacks is, yes they are victims.  But not of society or conservatives.  They are victims of liberal racism.

This year, there are 3 blacks that are running for a major office, 2 governorships and a senate seat.  And all have a shot of winning.  And all have been subjected to some of the worst forms of racism since the Ante Bellum south.  But this racism is not coming from the Aryan Nation, or the Klu Klux Klan.  It is coming from the DNC and its leadership. 

Slave holders hated Free Men.  So do Liberals.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 23, 2006

Ah, so racism is ok as long as it isn't violent? It's the degree of racist abuse that matters then is it?

Actually, that is the mildest form of racism Steele has seen.  It really is a lot nastier, but dont expect racists to bring it up.

on Jun 23, 2006

Obviously I've never said that racism is ok if it isn't violent. However, only a fool would believe that having a cookie rolled in your general direction and being dragged from a truck are equal. I wasn't the one who said "the worst forms of racism since the Ante Bellum south." I was merely pointing out that there are worse forms of abuse that have happened than what these guys have went through.

I see you can read!  Actually quoting from the article.  But apparently not understanding a single word.  Now, for the record, since you have made the accusation twice now, back it up.  When did Steele drag anyone behind a truck?

You really are sad.  You cannot discuss any issue without bringing in irrelevant issues.  If you cannot understand this article, maybe a translation to baby talk can be arranged.

on Jun 23, 2006

And I'm sure 100% of them would choose to not be subjected to racist abuse of any kind.

Dont tell the liberals that.  The only bad racism is the racism they do not practice.

on Jun 23, 2006
Now, for the record, since you have made the accusation twice now, back it up. When did Steele drag anyone behind a truck?

I never said anything about Steele dragging anyone from a truck. I was merely pointing out that many men have gone through worse racist abuse "since the Ante Bellum south" than these guys have.

6 replies in a row? I see you're still the king of all point whores. Some things never change around here.

on Jun 23, 2006
Nothing excuses racist violence, but the stereotypes that many racists rely upon to make their points are perpetuated by faux-Liberal "keep them as pets" opportunists. The last thing the Democratic party would want is their big claim to fame, the "downtrodden ghetto poor" to ever scrape their way out and negate the purpose of their corrupt charity.

It isn't just black people. They are out there in the sticks telling rural people the same thing; that without them they'd starve and all those rich republicans would take their land and burn their wigwams. The fact is, many rural areas are painfully poor because of local governments that became entrenched after the depression and who still to this day punitively raid businesses in their areas for the "poor", keeping all opportunity at bay.

So long as anyone that differs with them is an "uncle tom" they'll never convince me that they really care for black americans. More likely they like to keep a large percentage of them reliant on government services and willing to vote to protect it. With the help of punitive taxation and idiotic trade unions, they keep a good portion of the nation ripe for the picking.
on Jun 23, 2006

never said anything about Steele dragging anyone from a truck. I was merely pointing out that many men have gone through worse racist abuse "since the Ante Bellum south" than these guys have.

6 replies in a row? I see you're still the king of all point whores. Some things never change around here.

First off Davad, I was answering each comment in turn, as I happened to get some sleep last night.  Sorry I was not whoring around JU waiting for your irrelevancies.

Second off, That was Murder.  Plain and simple. Or is it only murder if the same race is both victim and perp?  You have a strange sense of justice and a complete lack of reading comprehension.  But I will try to break it down into smaller syllables.

So according to you, racism is fine as long as you dont kill anyone?  Where did you learn that?  J William Fulbright? Or maybe Robert Sheets Byrd?

on Jun 23, 2006

So long as anyone that differs with them is an "uncle tom" they'll never convince me that they really care for black americans. More likely they like to keep a large percentage of them reliant on government services and willing to vote to protect it.

Exactly!  You said it so well.  Perhaps Davad can read yours and then gain an understanding, but since he is only concerned about same race crime and point whores, I doubt he has the mental capacity to read your response and understand it.

on Jun 23, 2006
So according to you, racism is fine as long as you dont kill anyone? Where did you learn that? J William Fulbright? Or maybe Robert Sheets Byrd?

According to me? Where did I say that?

Again, you are the one that said that these men suffered "the worst forms of racism since the Ante Bellum south." It would appear from that statement that you are the one that thinks that some forms are worse than others. Why else would you use the word "worst", if you truly believe that all racism is equal?
on Jun 23, 2006
to smear the former Secretary of State of Ohio - Ken Blackwell

you got this part wrong btw. blackwell is the current secretary of state. his performance there seems to me more than enuff reason to vote against him.

as secretary of state, he will be overseeing the election in which he's running. even if he had no history of using his authority as a weapon to to defend his own party and batter the opposition or he hadn't demonstrated his shabby ethics, no candidate should be permitted to monitor his own campaign.

so far this year alone blackwell has:

a. published social security numbers 1.2 million ohio citizens on his official website. he then promised to be much more careful. this happened in march, 2006.

b. ooops he did it again at the end of april. he may have been more careful tho. this time he only mailed out disks with the names and full ss numbers belonging to 7.7 million.

c. remember blackwell's refusal to prohibit diebold (maker of electronic voting machines) from competing for the 2004 contract to provide ohio with such machines because dielbold's product did not meet standards? in april it was discovered blackwell owned diebold stock then and now.

d. blackwell has managed to prevent the green party candidate for governor (the same seat blackwell hopes to win) from qualifying for the upcoming election even tho the greens have produced twice the number of qualifying signatures required by law.

so i guess what you're saying drguy is you'll support a snake no matter what color it might be as long as it belongs to your favored party.
on Jun 23, 2006
#23 by davad70
Fri, June 23, 2006 10:37 PM

So according to you, racism is fine as long as you dont kill anyone? Where did you learn that? J William Fulbright? Or maybe Robert Sheets Byrd?

According to me? Where did I say that?

Again, you are the one that said that these men suffered "the worst forms of racism since the Ante Bellum south." It would appear from that statement that you are the one that thinks that some forms are worse than others. Why else would you use the word "worst", if you truly believe that all racism is equal?

Why don't you try to address the main point of the article instead of a single sentence? Is it because you can't or you're ashamed?
on Jun 23, 2006
oh. i almost forgot.

it was my understanding the 1964 voters' rights act was gonna sail right thru. so why are republicans--and not just those from the southern states altho they seem to be the in the majority--now doing what they can to stall the vote?
on Jun 23, 2006
But woe be to the Free Man that has left the liberal plantation and become a conservative! For then they are treated like the worst slaves of the Ante Bellum South

davad's exactly correct in calling you on this one.

which black republican candidate has been beaten to death, castrated, lynched, shot or burned alive?

you've very shamefully trivialized the horrors visited upon black human beings for several hundred years in the ante-bellum south.
on Jun 23, 2006
you've very shamefully trivialized the horrors visited upon black citizens for nearly 100 years in the ante-bellum south.

on Jun 23, 2006
seems to me ya gotta be disgustingly chauvinistic to suggest blacks will eventually regain the power of sight, lose their fear, stumble out of their rut and wise up and begin supporting the gop.

on the other hand, they very likely feel the same way about your support for the current administration.
on Jun 23, 2006

only if you can name one current black candidate who's running as a republican who was lynched, castrated, beaten to death or otherwise treated 'like the worst slaves of the ante-bellum south.'

otherwise that claim is as despicable as if drguy was trying to say those candidates were treated as badly as prisoners at dachau or auschwitz.
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