Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Sorry, no link as it is Fox news Radio.  But I am going "say what?".  What a stupid statement!  We are already there!  And it is not summer!  Where do they get these analysts?  From Sears?

Seriously, what moron is not predicting it?  Excuse me?  Have you noticed that Gas has shot up about 50 cents a gallon over the last 3 months?

Why do we have talking heads instead of investigative reporters?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 19, 2006

Morons abound doc,  and then these gas prices AFTER oil prices have fallen.........


can we say gouging us?

on Apr 19, 2006

Morons abound doc, and then these gas prices AFTER oil prices have fallen.........

Yes they do.  But one would wish (I no longer hope) that we had intelligent people doing the news and not robots reading prompters?

on Apr 19, 2006
They probably misspoke. Given that the driving season hasn't started yet, I think it is safe to assume we'll see $3.50, and probably $4.00 before the summer is over. If anything happens in Iran, etc., expect $5.
on Apr 19, 2006
I agree with baker 3.50 for sure, up to 5.00 if the poop hits the fan.
on Apr 19, 2006
WE have no effective energy policy after 5 1/2 years into the Bush administration. Another failure!
on Apr 19, 2006
The authorities are predicting $2 a litre here in Australia. You think you guys have it bad. One gallon equates to 3.79 litres, according to online conversion charts. This would mean we'd be paying AUD $7.58 per gallon for our fuel.
on Apr 19, 2006
But one would wish (I no longer hope) that we had intelligent people doing the news and not robots reading prompters?

That seems to never want to change. I think some of us actually intelligent (and intelligible) people should get together and start a news station . . . nah, nobody besides us select few want the truth; we like the talking heads better (especially when those talking heads are very attractive, like the weekend newscaster here on KSL-5, but I digress . . .)

Plus, let's keep in mind - this was Fox News radio. I'm not a fan of any of the news outlets out there, but have any of you all ever seen the flick "Network"? I can see that happening on Fox News.
on Apr 20, 2006

They probably misspoke. Given that the driving season hasn't started yet, I think it is safe to assume we'll see $3.50, and probably $4.00 before the summer is over. If anything happens in Iran, etc., expect $5.

I agree on the 3.50.  And the 5.00.  But I dont think we will go as high as $4 yet.  Unless no one changes their driving habits.  Until the price goes high enough to affect demand, there is no ceiling.

on Apr 20, 2006

WE have no effective energy policy after 5 1/2 years into the Bush administration. Another failure!

Thanks to the dimocrats who stymied it at every turn.  It is not like Bush has not tried to pass one, but the chicken littles in congress killed them.'

on Apr 20, 2006

The authorities are predicting $2 a litre here in Australia. You think you guys have it bad. One gallon equates to 3.79 litres, according to online conversion charts. This would mean we'd be paying AUD $7.58 per gallon for our fuel.

The latest mantra from our liberals is "They are paying more in Europe".  I guess they want us to pay that price as well.

on Apr 20, 2006

That seems to never want to change. I think some of us actually intelligent (and intelligible) people should get together and start a news station . . . nah, nobody besides us select few want the truth; we like the talking heads better (especially when those talking heads are very attractive, like the weekend newscaster here on KSL-5, but I digress . . .)

She is hot, eh?  Eye candy!

Plus, let's keep in mind - this was Fox News radio. I'm not a fan of any of the news outlets out there, but have any of you all ever seen the flick "Network"? I can see that happening on Fox News.

I kind of expected that at CBS after that Fraud scandal, and in a way, after the firings, it kind of did happen.  Have you heard Mary Mapes?

on Apr 20, 2006
price gouging?

I would say so. Not sure an energy bill would affect it, other than allowing us to se just where the Oil Companies are getting all of their HUGE profits in the face of raised oil prices.
on Apr 20, 2006
Dr Guy

You must not have looked at the Bush/Cheney energy proposal. First, if you have not noticed, the GOP controls congress. Second the first bill that Bush proposed after the secret Cheney panel worked on the plan was a $50 Billion dollar GIFT to mature energy companies. Most of the plan was concentrated on the SUPPLY side. There as very little on more efficiency. Bush refused to require higher gas mileage which most energy experts agree is the change that would have the quickest impact. There was very little to convert to U S owned coal which is the second largest energy source identified to date. The plan had no teeth or real incentives except those that would have helped the big energy companies make even bigger profits.

The Energy bill that passed last year was a scaled down version of the first proposal and gave Big Oil $12 Billion in tax cuts with again no real conservation measure including a requirement for higher gas mileage for cars, SUV's and trucks sold in the U S. The Bush proposals were TOO LITTLE TOO LATE.
on Apr 20, 2006
There was very little to convert to U S owned coal which is the second largest energy source identified to date. The plan had no teeth or real incentives except those that would have helped the big energy companies make even bigger profits.

And every president before Bush has has such a great run of things, having absolutely splendid energy proposals. I think the current state of affairs is not just one man's problem, no matter how much you want to blame him, Col.

She is hot, eh? Eye candy!

Boy Howdy! Gotta love that Amanda Butterfield - that's incentive enough for me to watch the news!
I kind of expected that at CBS after that Fraud scandal, and in a way, after the firings, it kind of did happen. Have you heard Mary Mapes?

I can't say that I have. The one radio station around here that used to carry CBS radio has now changed to ABC news radio. But that's the station that plays Sean Hannity in the afternoons, and that guy's nutsy enough to make my blood boil, so as a general rule I avoid it . . .
on Apr 20, 2006
Holy crap! Sorry about the triple post! I'd go back and edit them, but you know how it is . . .
I honestly don't know how I just managed to do that. Oh well - it helps my points at least!

Where do they get these analysts? From Sears?

Actually, I have it from a good source that you can buy them at CostCo - five for ten dollars.
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