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Embryonic Stem cells without the Embryo
Published on August 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Contrary to what most on the left believe, Science has marched on with the limited goverment assistance that so many were decrying as stifling the creative genius of scientists.  Scientists at Harvard have managed to fuse embronic stem cells with adult stem cells thus opening the door to do away with harvesting human embryos for their cells.

All this comes about at the same time that many democrats are decrying the fact that Bush has stood firm on his beliefs and not swayed back and forth witht he changing of the polls.

And for many of us, it is not surprising.  Every time man has been faced with a barrier, whether self imposed or of nature's own making, they have found a way to overcome it and advance on in the insatiable quest for knowledge and answers.  Stem cell research is no different.  And these scientist just proved it.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 22, 2005
Bush has stood firm on his beliefs

on Aug 22, 2005


Is this what they were talking about on the Grammar stuff?

on Aug 22, 2005
All I've got to say is... "woooooohoooooooooo!"
on Aug 22, 2005

All I've got to say is... "woooooohoooooooooo!"

There is no such word as no to a deterrmined scientist!

on Aug 22, 2005
There is no such word as no to a deterrmined scientist!

Thank God... errrrrr... goodness for that. *g*
on Aug 22, 2005
"Nearly 400,000 IVF embryos are in storage in the U.S, but less than 3 percent have been donated for research. Almost as many are designated to be discarded each year. Only a fraction of those that do arrive in the labs are suitable for study."

-- Nat'l Geographic, July 2005

What makes it ok to create an embryo and freeze it for a period of time and then discard it, but not ok to create an embryo and use it for potentially life-saving or life-enriching research?
on Aug 22, 2005
Thank God... errrrrr... goodness for that. *g*

And Greyhound?
on Aug 22, 2005
Texas Wahine, what is wrong with science eliminating the need to even ask the question?

This is great news! The researchers that weren't whining over what naysayers considered a restrictions moved foward anyway. Once again if you give someone everything they think they want, you impede their success and progress, not encourage it!
on Aug 22, 2005
What makes it ok to create an embryo and freeze it for a period of time and then discard it, but not ok to create an embryo and use it for potentially life-saving or life-enriching research?

Tex, what happens when man identifies a source for something organic? Do they increase their search for it? Do they start beating the bushes for it?

Here chickie chickie chickie.

NO! They breed it! Potatoes, Cows,Sheep, Chickens, legumes!

So, do you want them to start breeding embryos for cultivation of stem cells (Excuse me Ms. Jones, your Embryo was accidently given to the National research Institute).

Do you really want to start breeding embryos for research?

I do not. So how is THIS bad?
on Aug 22, 2005
And tex, to answer your question directly and succintly.

The purpose of it. Why do you think 18th century slave owners bread their slaves?
on Aug 22, 2005
Texas Wahine, what is wrong with science eliminating the need to even ask the question?

Thank you.
on Aug 22, 2005
Texas Wahine, what is wrong with science eliminating the need to even ask the question?

I really don't see this as eliminating the need to ask the question for a couple of reasons.

First, even IF scientists could do away with the need to create and destroy embryos for this research, we still have couples creating embryos that are being discarded. Throwing them away is OK with the folks who have a problem with embryonic stem cell research?

Does no one else see the ethical hypocrisy?

Second, the article, provided via our fair and balanced friends at FOX News, says:

"I can't stress enough that this technology is not ready for prime time right now," Eggan said at a briefing Monday. "It is not a replacement for those techniques that we already have for derivation of embryonic stem cells."


"It could easily be 10 years before the process is usable in people, he said."


Eggan said, "There are still fundamental biological hurdles that have to be overcome."

In other words, "don't count your chickens before they hatch".
on Aug 22, 2005
In other words, "don't count your chickens before they hatch".

No just start breeding people to throw away.

What is wrong with waiting 10 years?
on Aug 22, 2005
No just start breeding people to throw away.

We already do that. No one seems to take issue with infertile couples creating embryos and then freezing and discarding the majority of them. Is this not the EXACT same thing?
on Aug 22, 2005
We already do that. No one seems to take issue with infertile couples creating embryos and then freezing and discarding the majority of them. Is this not the EXACT same thing?

If you cant see the difference, no arguement is going to show you it. You will have to face that brave new world and I hope you have the stomach for it.

I dont, even if I was not a catholic. I could see the difference.
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