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Embryonic Stem cells without the Embryo
Published on August 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Contrary to what most on the left believe, Science has marched on with the limited goverment assistance that so many were decrying as stifling the creative genius of scientists.  Scientists at Harvard have managed to fuse embronic stem cells with adult stem cells thus opening the door to do away with harvesting human embryos for their cells.

All this comes about at the same time that many democrats are decrying the fact that Bush has stood firm on his beliefs and not swayed back and forth witht he changing of the polls.

And for many of us, it is not surprising.  Every time man has been faced with a barrier, whether self imposed or of nature's own making, they have found a way to overcome it and advance on in the insatiable quest for knowledge and answers.  Stem cell research is no different.  And these scientist just proved it.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 22, 2005
No one has explained the difference.

I am curious how you justify it?

What's the difference between creating several embryos for a pregnancy, using one or two, and destroying the rest and creating several embryos for a pregnancy, using one or two for that purpose, and then using the rest for medical research?

PLEASE enlighten me, from a religious viewpoint, if that's what works for you. I can't understand how the religious people who are anti-abortion and who believe that life begins at conception can endorse creating embryos for pregnancy and then freezing indefinitely or discarding them. Do explain.

I promise I'm not being antagonistic. I sincerely want to know what you see as the difference.
on Aug 22, 2005
True, counting chicken embryos is not a good idea for a breeder (but great when buying a dozen eggs!). ;~D

Yes, this is a great step forward, but not a destination. Might I remind you though, those doing research on Embryonic Stem Cells also tell us we are around 10 years away from being actual treatments based on the technology.

My point was, I don't see any real advantage to crying over limits on embryonic stem cell research, it seems adult stem cells are just fine.

btw, anyone who says that adult stem cells can't do things that embryonic stem cells can do, explain to me how my body does it with adult stem cells every day... ;~D
on Aug 22, 2005
And Greyhound?

You're gone.
on Aug 23, 2005

No one has explained the difference.

I am curious how you justify it?

In Vitro - To create a life.

Breeding for fodder, no purpose of creating life.


And no Religion involved.

on Aug 23, 2005

Yes, this is a great step forward, but not a destination. Might I remind you though, those doing research on Embryonic Stem Cells also tell us we are around 10 years away from being actual treatments based on the technology.

Part of the problem is that it has become politicized.  So while nothing of substance has actually been discovered with embryonic stem cells, people think they must be the elixir of eternal youth just because they cant breed and harvest millions of lines each year.

on Aug 23, 2005
What's the difference between creating several embryos for a pregnancy, using one or two, and destroying the rest and creating several embryos for a pregnancy, using one or two for that purpose, and then using the rest for medical research?

IMHO there is no difference. That said...."if" you allow them to use these discarded embryos, how long do you think it'll take before they start creating their own for experimenting? That's why evryone is nay saying you.
on Aug 23, 2005

IMHO there is no difference. That said...."if" you allow them to use these discarded embryos, how long do you think it'll take before they start creating their own for experimenting? That's why evryone is nay saying you.

Exactly Right.  When the wild supply dries up, breed them.  Today for stem cells, tomorrow for spare parts.

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