In a sign of hard times for Mattresses, many people have started stashing their savings in Bushes. Apparently many feel that if their house burns down, at least they will have a nest egg to start over.
Why not put it into banks? These people are survivors of the great Depression and do not trust them. Whereas in the past, they merely stashed their cash under a mattress, they have found that is not a safe place. Willie S. Dunne related how his long time and best friend, Noah Banks, saw his life savings go up in smoke when his house burned down due to 2 mice who were a little too passionate with an electrical cord.
But experts warn that putting your health savings money in a bush is not the answer! There have been several reportings of thousand dollar squirrel nests along with chipmunks with hundred dollar chubby cheeks! Yes, even tho their money is safe from a house fire, it appears that moles, voles, squirrels and other critters find the green stuff very tasty. Especially the Benjamins!
Officials are warning citizens not to be caught by a false sense of security and maintaining that banks are a safe haven for their money. Barring a bank, officials suggest using a lock box as that will at least keep the rodents out until the thieves find it.