After initially standing by her man, Oprah Winfrey has decided that james Frey just lied too much, and is now repudiating him. It seems that after her endorsement, and the controversy started, she still was defending him on larry King. But when the public turned mean (there are several law suits now on file against him, all destined to fail according to legal experts), she bailed and basically kicked him in the pants.
Which is good. The book on its own is probably a great read of fiction. But he suckered in many people by trying to pass it off as non-fiction. And whether you like the book or not, that is plain and simple deception.
I am glad Frey was able to overcome his problems and advance himself. He is a success story. But lying about it is not in keeping with his mode of overcoming problems. He is still adicted to himself, which may be better than drugs, but is still delusional.
So welcome to the light side Oprah. But you should have done it before the polls.