A new report out says those pennies you toss aside, and do not even deign to pick up when spotted lying around, may soon be worth a lot more! Why? Because the world is running out of Copper and other precious metals.
The study tried to predict the demand for metals should the whole world be brought up to first world standards in living and technology. And found that while the Copper reserves and supply would just barely cover the demand, other metals like Platinum would be in very short supply.
Actually this is not really new news. We have been treated to this story before with Oil. Where only 30 years ago we were told we only had a 30 year supply, but today we have an 80 year supply (that is called new math). I think the same thing will happen with these metals. As the demand picks up, so will the mining and extraction methods (since the price will be higher, you can use more expensive methods).
One thing that is really not being done today due to the cost is mining salt water. For there is a lot of every mineral on the face of the planet in the seas, it just has been too cost prohibitive to extract it in the past. But as the prices go up, the cost will not be so prohibitive!
But I am still going to save my pennies! One day they may be worth a lot more than just a penny!