Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Our Great and Glorious Leader has Spoken!

"The leaders of states who would use terrorist means against us, as well as those who would consider using in one way or another weapons of mass destruction, must understand that they would lay themselves open to a firm and adapted response on our part,"

You heard it here first!  Yep, Nuclear weapons may be used against any states sponsoring terrorist strikes against the Sovereign nation!  Damn, you just knew that Bush wanted to press that Button!  That war monger, and evil blood thirsty tyrant!  He cares nothing for collateral damage or the fallout from using such weapons!  He truly must be just like Hitler, and the world's worst Terrorist!

{Ms. Latella?  Ms. Latella! That was Jacques Chirac that said that, not Bush.}

So how many bought the first paragraph and decided "Yup!  That is What Bush would say!".  The only problem is Bush did not say that, but Jacques Chirac, the leader of that dovish nation over in Europe, the nation that America should take its queue from according to John Kerry and Ted {hic} Kennedy, France.  Yup!  That Jacques Chirac!  Who has yet to feel the sting of a true terrorist attack, but is ready to nuke half the word in retaliation.  Yup, that France!

So let me get this straight.  If John Kerry would have won in 2004, and followed his avowed policy of following Europe, and when Osama Bin Laden hits us again, then the supporters of Kerry are saying that a nuclear response would be right and proper.  And that we should do it?

Right?  And they call Bush the terrorist!  Seems we were saved from a terrorist president by the American Electorate.

The statement from Chirac does not surprise me.  Since that would be the only way they could retaliate anyway.  Terrorist are not afraid of the backs of soldiers running away.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 20, 2006

He said there was no change in France's overall policy, which rules out the use of nuclear weapons in a military conflict.

French Military Conflict?  Isn't that an oxymoron?

on Jan 20, 2006
But my article has pictures of testicules.
Dr. Guy, my dear friend down south, great minds think alike... and so do ours.
on Jan 20, 2006

on Jan 20, 2006
on Jan 20, 2006
I have to admit I thought you were speaking of Bush since I don't hear much about France. I did find it strange though.

I gues France was feeling a bit pushed around by the rest of the world and felt it had to remind everyone that they are one of the biggest countries in the world as well. And I don't mean in size.
on Jan 20, 2006
it was mostly in response to the French populace complaining over the cost of maintaining the nuclear arsenal. I do have to give one thing to Chirac, at least he had the balls to not be so quickly swayed by a transitory public opinion.
on Jan 20, 2006

But my article has pictures of testicules.

I know!  Your article has balls!  This one is more frenchy tho, ball-less!

on Jan 20, 2006

Reply By: Island Dog

Great Pics!  Love the Airecraft carrier!

on Jan 20, 2006

have to admit I thought you were speaking of Bush since I don't hear much about France. I did find it strange though.

Can you imagine the outcry if it had been Bush saying that?

on Jan 20, 2006

I do have to give one thing to Chirac, at least he had the balls to not be so quickly swayed by a transitory public opinion.

That is why Singrdave gave him balls in his article!

on Jan 21, 2006
Didn't fool me, as I read an article on this yesterday in full context. You do understand that the French missiles only get within one mile of their target right?

That's when the engines cut off and it falls to the ground with a little white flag sticking out the back.

-- B
on Jan 21, 2006

You do understand that the French missiles only get within one mile of their target right?

That's when the engines cut off and it falls to the ground with a little white flag sticking out the back.

!  I should have put this under humor!  Keep em coming!  You guys got some great ones!

on Jan 22, 2006
In the humour vein...

"The AP and UPI reported that the French Government announced after the London bombings that it has raised its terror alert level from Run to Hide. The only two higher levels in France are Surrender and Collaborate. The rise in the alert level was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively disabling their military."

...To be found (among other places) at Link

on Jan 23, 2006
Doesn't bother me whether it was Prs. Bush, Chirac, Kerry, Clinton or Gandhi. The fact is, as soon as a country buys or develops a weapon, they are putting it on the table. That doesn't mean it WILL be used, but if the threat is there, so is the reality of its use.
on Jan 23, 2006

The rise in the alert level was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively disabling their military."

Damn!  What will they do with no white flags?

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