Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on January 12, 2006 By Dr Guy In Politics

Seems the left is taking a page from the PT Barnum playbook.  An eco organization wants you to "buy" a Terrapass.  Does this pass reduce pollution?  No.  Does this Pass help with Global Warming?  Nope. So what does this pass do?

Well, it gives a nice absolution to some liberal who is so concerned their Ford Explorer is going to kill some canaries.  And it gives a nice chunk of change to the group promoting the pass!  And that is all.

So run over to the web site and sign up for you Terrapass!  Go ahead and throw your filthy money away for some good old fashion warm fuzzies and a nifty sticker!  After all, we know that money is the root of all evil, and we have to protect the squirrels!

I wonder how many people actually fall for this latest Internet scam?  Probably enough to make the Nigerians very jealous!

There is a sucker born every minute!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 14, 2006

A private company has come up with an idea for people to balance out their egological footprint by purchasing a "pass" and the money funds clean energy research

NO!  That is the catch! It funds nothing but their agenda!  NO research, no exploration, no nothing!  Just their pockets!

Call 1-800-66niger.  They are calling for you!

on Jan 14, 2006

PS. Did you read their verification page? If not, you should:[/quote]

Yes, so you want to buy some ocean front property in florida as well?

on Jan 14, 2006

I agree wholeheartedly. Doc is just be his cantankerous self just for the hell of it.

Steve, I deleted your duplicate.  But yes and now to your response.  I am not being cantakerous for the hell of it.  This is not a right wing diatribe. Show me where? This is a warning!  waste your money at your own expense!

Pure and simple!  You want to get rid of GFCs?  You can do it, but a forgiveness stamp is NOT going to do it.  You want to donate to a LEGITIMATE cause?  Do it.  WHy do you have to wash your money through a sham?

Pure and Simple, the only difference between this outfit and the Nigerians is the legality.  This one is legal,  The other should be based upon the previous statement.

on Jan 15, 2006
Scam, sham or whatever; it is nonetheless not to be taken seriously. There may be suckers born every minute, but realistically, it's probably once or twice in a lifetime. Normally when you're taken in once you learn to avoid it. Still, give credit to the theory.
on Jan 15, 2006
Might as well just donate money to a charity that helps the environment directly, rather than pretending that you're swapping emissions like some personal Kyoto Agreement. Here's a suggestion: Nature Conservancy. They don't lobby the government to do anything, they don't waste a lot of money and time on public speeches. They take the donations you send and they buy land so it won't be developed. If you really want to stop someone else from developing a piece of land (and therefore save the squirrels), you buy the land yourself and don't develop on it. Simple, easy.
on Jan 15, 2006
I would err on the side of caution here. I read nothing on their site to indicate the money you give them is actually used for anything that would in any way help the environment.
on Jan 15, 2006
MasonM - from what I read on there, it appears they guarantee to "offset" your emissions by forwarding the money you give them (or a percentage - gotta have overhead costs) to companies building non-polluting energy sources. It's just another way to subsidize windmills and solar panels without having to do anything horrible like, say, putting up your own windmill or solar panel. People are much more willing to "do the right thing" if it doesn't cause them any inconvenience.
on Jan 15, 2006

Normally when you're taken in once you learn to avoid it. Still, give credit to the theory.

True, and I got rooked early (in college).  I guess there are enough newbies to sustain these scams, shams or whatever.

on Jan 15, 2006
$159.90 for mine, due to the mileage...lemme crunch the numbers to see if I'd save any if I bring my tempo back to life....

Nope, same...I'll stay with my six cylinder, then, instead of fixing the four cylinder.

You guys wanna contribute to my terrapass?
on Jan 15, 2006

Might as well just donate money to a charity that helps the environment directly, rather than pretending

Very true!  I look at these as just a money grubbing exercise.  I actually do give to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, which is trying to clean the bay, not assign blame.

on Jan 15, 2006

I would err on the side of caution here. I read nothing on their site to indicate the money you give them is actually used for anything that would in any way help the environment.

Even if every penny went to that cause, their method of collecting it is a lie. Paying so you can drive a gas guzzler will not help anything.

on Jan 15, 2006

it appears they guarantee to "offset" your emissions by forwarding the money you give them (or a percentage - gotta have overhead costs) to companies building non-polluting energy sources.

So they should ask for donations, not give out guilt-free stamps.

on Jan 15, 2006

You guys wanna contribute to my terrapass?

Nah!  I dont need no steenkeen terrapass!

on Jan 16, 2006
I dont need no steenkeen terrapass!
Neither do I--I drive an economy car.
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