What took us weeks to put up (we put up a little each weekend since thanksgiving up to December 17), took me the better part of a day to take down. One day! I hate taking them down!
Christmas (the non-PC, unsanitized banned in some parts, hated in other parts) is a special time of year. While it is meant to celebrate the Birth of Christ, most knowledgeable people realize it is not his birthday, but it is time to celebrate his message. - Peace on Earth Goodwill to All Man (kind). So it encompasses all denominations of people! Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Taoists! In my neighborhood, we have every continent covered, and most religions (I work with some Hindu's but have not met any in my neighborhood - that is the only religion I have not met). And we all celebrate it (we have one of the best decorated neighborhoods in the city, and the city is supposed to be one of the most decorated).
My Neighbor is Shintoist. They put up lights and the nodding deers! No, they do not believe in Christ, but they do believe in the message! So it is a good time, and we wish each other a Merry Christmas! In the spirit of the message, not the Person.
But then after the Epiphany, we take them down. The season is over! The warmth and goodwill (cut short this year for you regular readers), seem to fade with the drabness of the season. We want it to last all year, and I try to hold it, but the ending of the lights is sad for me.
All that work down the drain! Just kidding.
But it is a sad time. Only 11 more months until they go up again (actually 10 months, and 16 days!).
I miss the lights! I wish we could run them all year round! But my Wife says NO! She does not want the neighbors to talk!
Till next year, and a month of weekends of decorating! Guess I will have to wear a beard and tall hat as Lincoln is next (Don't have no Cherry trees for George).