That appears to be what caused the death of 7 innocent people in the last week in Richmond. And the GD Fricking Garb Sucking Frivel Eating Joke sucking jackasses (this is going in Forums, so sorry for the muffling) just wanted to rob them! And they are from Philly! (long story there, but Richmond and Philly have a long sister City relationship).
A robbery! You kill 7 people for a robbery? What the hell are you! What a bunch of retarded ignorant stupid morons! You kill 7 people for a VCR? You effing moron!
I am against state sponsored killing, as all you know. But that does not stop me from killing these fricking stupid effing morons! God I am glad the police have them now! These people are worse than the bacteria in Iraq! They are the scum beneath our nails! The crap we have to clean out of a toilet!
They are not human! Like a fly, they need to be squished! For like a fly they have just eaten shit and then flown off to infect other people!
I don't believe in capital punishment. But swatting a fly is not capital punishment.