Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on January 4, 2006 By Dr Guy In Humor

Sorry, I saw these 2 in the newest list and laughed!  They are too great to pass up!

  • Troops Kill, Capture Terrorists, Seize Weapons Caches
    Again no MSM reports...too bad...
    by ShadowWar  on  Wednesday, January 04, 2006 4:56:28 PM  in War on Terror

    Bush Tries to Cover Up Incompetence in Iraq
    He hides behind his Generals
    by COL Gene  on  Wednesday, January 04, 2006 5:31:50 PM  in Politics

    on Jan 05, 2006
    I can see the humor when I read the first title as a "run on" sentence! [killing and capturing at the same time!]

    I won't even touch the second one lest I be "chewed up and spit out" for saying something the President's fans might not like! Heehee...
    on Jan 05, 2006

    I can see the humor when I read the first title as a "run on" sentence! [killing and capturing at the same time!]

    I picked up on this one, and then Trudy got the other 2!  Guess my sense of humor is just getting the best of me these days.