Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

A friend sent me the link.  At first I thought it was a farce site, and it may be.  But if it is it is done in very poor taste! It is a fairly new one by the signatures in the guest book. 

But it does make you wonder how sick some people are!

on Dec 12, 2005
Uhm, sadly, this is not a farce. The idiot? jerk? clueless wonder? that runs the site was on Hannity and Colmbs awhile back (sometime this summer) about it. And he's dead serious about this site. Completely clueless and a complete asshat, but deadly serious.

I've seen the clip where he was interviewed. Never been happier for those two to tear into someone, before.
on Dec 12, 2005

I've seen the clip where he was interviewed. Never been happier for those two to tear into someone, before.

I would suspect they were on the same side for one of the very rare times of their lives!

Thanks for letting me know.  I had hoped it was just a sick joke, but it is apparent that the people visiting the site dont think it is.

on Dec 12, 2005

I went, I saw, I signed the guestbook.  It wouldn't let me say eveything I wanted to say, though.  I wanted to call them punk-ass bitches and tell them that one day some big ass marine is going to find them and beat their sorry behinds until they squealed like little girls for disrespecting his corps.

Instead I just reminded them that the freedom of speech they were exercising came from those they claim to detest...and that one day they'd regret making and running that site.


And they will.  When they've graduated from high school and college, when they've gone off and found jobs as marketing executives (or when they're flipping bugers and wiping down tables for a living), when they have a wife and kids and a car and mortgage (when they've grown up, in other words) - they'll look back on this and  think that it wasn't a very smart thing to have done, and will hopefully be ashamed.

Until then, I'll call them punk-ass bitches and look at their little exercise as nothing more than inflammatory nonsense that's simply them exercising their constitutional rights.

Because if I don't......then I'll be angry, and that's not going to solve anything.


on Dec 12, 2005

I went, I saw, I signed the guestbook.

I refused to do even that.  The guy(s) are just to sick for words.

on Dec 12, 2005
I refused to do even that.

They're not worth my time or the publicity they're being provided. They obviously have a very loose handle on reality, and responding to them (if they even read all the negative comments) would only get me worked up and wouldn't penetrate them in the least.

I do hope, however, that the family members of the dead and injured service members they've slandered on their site seek recourse, either legal or physical.
on Dec 12, 2005
McDonald's sent them a cease and desist letter for using Golden Arches in one of their pictures. Asshats say, no, we won't cease and desist because we are protected under Fair Use and mocked the lawyer sending the letter.

Now, what do you think McDonald's is gonna do now. . . .

*thinks John Edwards should give up the "Biggest Douche in the Universe" award to these guys*
on Dec 12, 2005

I do hope, however, that the family members of the dead and injured service members they've slandered on their site seek recourse, either legal or physical.

New lesson!  Never piss off a Texas Wahine!

Sorry you had to see that bacteria, but I think it should be exposed so that they do not submarine us.

on Dec 12, 2005

McDonald's sent them a cease and desist letter for using Golden Arches in one of their pictures. Asshats say, no, we won't cease and desist because we are protected under Fair Use and mocked the lawyer sending the letter.

Now, what do you think McDonald's is gonna do now. . . .

Get a lot of Business from Soldiers and dependants!  After they take the scum bags to the cleaners.

on Dec 12, 2005
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
on Dec 12, 2005

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

Kind words for my true feeling.  But I do agree.  That is the least of what it is.

on Dec 12, 2005
Who would have thought McDonald's would be on the side of right for once?
on Dec 12, 2005

Who would have thought McDonald's would be on the side of right for once?

I think they are on their own side, which happens to coincide with the right (correct) side in this case.