A recent article by one of our esteemed members of JU (he will remain nameless unless he chooses to identify himself) got me to thinking. He was thinking of having the "V Word"! Vasectomy for the less skittish. It is really a simple procedure, yet it so traumatizes some men (since we are talking about a vasectomy, you know it is a man who brought up the subject) that they cringe in fear!
I think the fear has nothing to do with the procedure, as it literally is a snip snip, come back in a day operation! Yes, I have had one. After 4 children, I decided no more. I never planned on 4, but it just happened, and I do have 4 great ones. But I did not want to see if the next one was coming out slanty eyed (since one in 5 babies born today is Chinese). Sorry Bad Joke. But it really is nothing.
Let me give you a quick run down. You go in, they prep you. Give you a local, make a couple of small incisions that you cannot see without a magnifying glass, cut the little Vases (Vasi?), and put a stitch (a stitch) in each incisions and send you home and tell you to stay off your feet for 24 hours.
And so I did! Now some people I know have had a lot of pain. Whether real or imagined, I dont know. But I had almost no pain, and the next day went to work. And I was fine. Except I was a contractor, and went to a new site, where I had to fix a problem with a server. There are no chairs in the server room! So yea, I stood for almost 8 hours. Let me tell you, while I still did not hurt, I was getting woozy! But that was the worst of it! I was in and out of the clinic in about 2 hours!
Since then, a coworker, who just had his 3rd son in 4 years, went through it. He can be a baby at times, but he says he was out of it for 3 days! Still, he is pretty much the same guy he was before the procedure. Still a jerk (in a guy way). He just made one mistake. He did not have them check to make sure he was shooting blanks.
You guessed it! He was not! Wife is pregnant again!
Then of course there was my best friend. My work through me a baby shower for the 4th child (the first one on the job with them tho). Most of the presents were gag gifts (you dont need a lot of stuff after 3 children), and one was a 'Do it Yourself Vasectomy kit'. I thought it was hilarious! But my best friend refused to even touch it! The expression on this face is still pictured vividly in my mind! I guess that is what our fellow blogger is going through.
So I just want to assure him that it is really no big deal, but more importantly, do EXACTLY what the doctor tells you to! or your child count may exceed mine! And best of luck!