Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

4 members of a wacko group have been kidnapped in Iraq.  This group reportedly (in their words) are their to document the oppression and torture of Native Iraqis at the hands of the imperialist WASPs that have invaded the country.

This organization has decided that sticking ones head in a noose and jumping off a cliff, is not the fault of the person doing the deed, instead it is the fault of the person who did not remove the cliff!  Yes, it is not the idiots fault for putting themselves in harm's way, it is the fault of the US and UK troops!

While the term "peace activist" has a noble ring to it, and people stand up and cheer, these goof balls are akin to the clown who wanted to stop a train with her body!  And then was outraged when she lost both legs.  These are not peace activists.  They are left wingnut loons that use any backdrop they can to further their own agenda.  An Agenda that has nothing to do with furthering peace, but in trying to paint any one not of their warped agenda with a tar brush.

That they are over there, where they are clearly not wanted (except by the terrorists as nice propaganda devices and head chopping practice) is one thing.  Anyone can go.  But to blame anyone but their own stupidity for their situation is just plain criminal and egocentric.

I think the US and UK should pay these jerks the respect they deserve.  Ignore them.  Maybe they will go away on their own.

on Nov 30, 2005
They remind me of the "human shields" in Desert Storm who went to the Saudi Arabia/Kuwait border to "block" any movement across it, then whined and complained that the U.S. military was feeding and protecting reporters and contractors, but not them. ;~D I guess their apologists will say that these "peace activists" aren't anti American, but if I moved into your house just to dig up dirt on you, how long would you believe me if I said, "oh, I have nothing against you!" The bacteria has called them "spies"... ironic since they are there to do the bacteria's dirty work.
on Nov 30, 2005

They remind me of the "human shields" in Desert Storm who went to the Saudi Arabia/Kuwait border to "block" any movement across it, then whined and complained that the U.S. military was feeding and protecting reporters and contractors, but not them.

They have some balls!  They should be glad they were not shot as traitors!  And they whine about an MRE?

on Nov 30, 2005
They remind me of the "human shields" in Desert Storm who went to the Saudi Arabia/Kuwait border to "block" any movement across it, then whined and complained that the U.S. military was feeding and protecting reporters and contractors, but not them.

I remember those crazy-ass people! There's really no word in the dictionary to define them!

And I heard that news report this morning too Doc, about that group and what they were doing. I can't believe some people! You would think they would take on a more worthwhile cause.
on Nov 30, 2005

And I heard that news report this morning too Doc, about that group and what they were doing. I can't believe some people! You would think they would take on a more worthwhile cause.

I think they went over there just to be kidnapped - "See?  See what the filty Ameicans are doing in iraq"?

on Nov 30, 2005

Please delete it and this message too. Thx!

Not a problem.  It is happening to me as well.

on Nov 30, 2005

They remind me of the "human shields" in Desert Storm who went to the Saudi Arabia/Kuwait border to "block" any movement across it,

They ought to have been deported to Kuwait so they can explain what they did in a Kuwaiti court.

"You see, m'lad, we didn't want your country to be free. We really really hate you."

They'd be lucky that they'd be in a court in an ethnicially diverse foreign country rather than the evil dictatorial whites-only US of A!
on Nov 30, 2005

They'd be lucky that they'd be in a court in an ethnicially diverse foreign country rather than the evil dictatorial whites-only US of A!

Yea, we actually will probably save them.  Maybe so we can then put them in one of those secret prisons!

on Nov 30, 2005
They also remind me of the burglar who trips and breaks a bone while robbing your house, then sues you for it.