Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Back in the summer, the democrats filibustered the nomination of John Bolton.  The best excuse they could come up with is that "He was mean to some employees".  If that was reason for disqualification from a Job, then the tax payers would be saving a lot of money firing about 500 people in congress!

But Bush did a Recess appointment, and until January 07, he is our UN Ambassador, mean or not.

And what is the purpose of the US Ambassador to the UN?  Is it to get in on the Oil for Food Scandal and get some moola?  That seems to be the purpose of most of the people there, From Kofi down to Coffee!  Is it to make friends with a bunch of - not even covert - thugs and murderers?  Is it to eat Crepe Suzette with the French fop?  Is it to agree with the thugs and despots that still populate this world?

I would submit it is none of those.  John Bolton has 2 key guiding principals.  First and foremost is to represent the views and ideals of the Citizens and Administration of the United States of America.  Second, and of almost equal importance, it is help kick start a lethargic bureaucracy into being what its charter defined.  A place for nations to avoid and condemn war.

Now that it has been 4 months since his appointment, how has he fared?  Has he insulted the French (not that we have heard - too bad)?  Has he antagonized the rest of the world and whipped them into an Anti-American frenzy?  Hardly.

No, According to the Jerusalem Post, he has accomplished something no person heretofore has been able to do.  He has gotten the UN Security Council to condemn an act of terrorism by Hezbollah.  And yes, almost single handedly!

For you see on Monday, the Security Council failed to pass such a resolution.  Yet 2 days later they did.  And what was different?  Was it the wording?  The Intent?  Concessions?

When asked what changed from Monday to Wednesday, one diplomatic official replied: "John Bolton," a reference to the US ambassador to the UN. Bolton lobbied vigorously for the passage of the statement.

Yes, he did what no other US or any diplomat had been able to accomplish in the past.  He got some action out of the UN.  He rebuked terrorism, and pushed the American (and other countries) agenda.  In effect, he was the right man, in the right place, at the right time.

Now dont all those petty little democrats look stupid?

on Nov 29, 2005

This really puts the democrats in a no win situation.  If they try to defend their pettiness, then they are actually advocating that the UN Ambassador should be a totem piece, who does nothing.  If they praise him (not likely in this life time), then they are admitting how petty and childish they were during the confirmation hearings.

This also does one more thing.  Make all the Bush haters saying how stupid Bush is look petty and foolish as well.

on Nov 29, 2005
Stirring up the complacency of the United Nations. Nice job, Ambassador Bolton.

I have often pondered the relevance of the UN in this day and age. Back when it was started it was just an extension of American foreign policy.
on Nov 29, 2005

Back when it was started it was just an extension of American foreign policy.

I dont agree.  With Russia and China on the Permanent Security Council, it seems it has been a foil for America since Day one.  Which is not all bad.  During the Cold war, it was a forum to bash each other without killing a soul.  Today it is just a farce.

on Nov 29, 2005
I dont agree. With Russia and China on the Permanent Security Council, it seems it has been a foil for America since Day one.

You don't think FDR created the UN with the sole intent of making other countries feel like they were important on a world stage?

Putting the Soviets on the UNSC was due to their being on the winning side in WWII. China was put on the council to counter the threat of Imperialist Japan, which had just been defeated.

During the Cold war, it was a forum to bash each other without killing a soul.

Just shoes, my dear Doctor... Nikita's poor shoes.
on Nov 29, 2005
Just shoes, my dear Doctor... Nikita's poor shoes.

I should have let them use mine!