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Killing with the worst of Intentions
Published on October 31, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

We often hear from the liberals that the end result is not what is important, what is important is the intentions.  And no matter how you argue with them, they always come back to the "intentions".

30 years ago, with little or no scientific evidence to back them up, the EPA banned DDT.  It was supposed to be ruining the environment and killing Bald eagles, but as we later found out, it was poachers endangering the eagles, not DDT.

The elimination of DDT was not to bad of a hardship on America because the primary target of DDT, disease carrying mosquitoes, had been effectively contained by other methods (this was before West Nile came along).

But it was and is a hardship in many tropical countries as millions of people are dying from malaria and estimates are that half a billion are being made sick.  But because DDT was labeled a carcinogen (with no empirical data to back it up), the production and exportation is banned around the world by not only the US government, but that Bastion of Integrity, the UN.

So I guess we can tell that family that just lost a child "But you might have gotten cancer if you ate 10 pounds of the stuff for a year".  I am sure that will assuage their loss real well.

The left blasts the conservatives for not being eco friendly, when in fact nothing is farther from the truth.  Conservatives are just willing to entertain the possibility that not everything man made is bad for mankind or the environment.

35 years ago, we were told that cyclamates would kill you.  25 years later, we learned the truth "Oops, just kidding".  At least millions did not die because the eco-alarmists got it wrong that time.

Millions are dying because they got it wrong this time tho.

on Oct 31, 2005

U.S. taxpayers spend about $200 million annually on malaria control efforts. Ironically, almost none of this money is spent to kill or repel the mosquitoes that spread disease. The money is instead spent on anti-malarial drugs and insecticide-treated bed nets that aren’t very effective.

But a few cans of DDT would do more good than all the ineffective nets known to man.

on Oct 31, 2005
What's a few million human deaths when we have an environment to protect!!!! That's just a few million less of the parasites infecting the earth right? Who are we to tell those mosquitoes that they are endangering us... We are endangering them!! Right?
on Oct 31, 2005

Who are we to tell those mosquitoes that they are endangering us... We are endangering them!! Right?

I dont know about that.  For each one I swat, seems we have 10 more waiting in line to bite me.

on Oct 31, 2005
As recently as a dozen years ago, we were still manufacturing DDT and shipping it to some other countries (such as Mexico) for their use. I don't know if that's true now, but it was then.
on Oct 31, 2005
Do your rants against all liberal thought ever stop?
on Oct 31, 2005

As recently as a dozen years ago, we were still manufacturing DDT and shipping it to some other countries (such as Mexico) for their use. I don't know if that's true now, but it was then.

That was when the UN stepped in and killed it.

on Oct 31, 2005

Do your rants against all liberal thought ever stop?

When they supply an inexhaustible list, why should it?

I did write one article where I said Diane Feinstein was right.  But it is hard to find those extremely rare cases.

on Oct 31, 2005
Do your rants against all liberal thought ever stop?

if you are really a liberal... sign up and be counted. There is nothing worse than an anonymous liberal.
on Oct 31, 2005

There is nothing worse than an anonymous liberal.

Anonymous trolls are worse.  Cant really call them liberals or conservatives, just loons.

on Oct 31, 2005
There is nothing worse than an anonymous liberal.

Oh, for Pete's sake!

Some guy gets on and questions Doc. about his 'liberal bashing' and he's suddenly labeled a 'liberal' - an anonymous liberal at that.

The label 'liberal' sounds extremely sophomoric and the purpose of branding someone 'liberal' seems to be so that people can ignore that user's arguments.

Example: Don't worry about that valid criticism UserX made about the President's decision to declare October 31st National Ground Beef day - he's just a liberal.

on Oct 31, 2005
That was when the UN stepped in and killed it.

Is there anything the UN doesn't kill? ;~D
on Oct 31, 2005
Is there anything the UN doesn't kill? ;~D

Unless you count murderous dictators who gas their own people or terrorist heads of state, no.
on Oct 31, 2005

Some guy gets on and questions Doc. about his 'liberal bashing' and he's suddenly labeled a 'liberal' - an anonymous liberal at that.

I was fair!  I answered him.  He was not abusive, but if I had to guess, I would say he was liberal.  Just from the tone of his question.

on Oct 31, 2005

Is there anything the UN doesn't kill? ;~D

Oil For Food.

on Oct 31, 2005

Unless you count murderous dictators who gas their own people or terrorist heads of state, no.

Yea, they put them on the Human Rights Commission.