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It is more than just a word
Published on October 21, 2005 By Dr Guy In Blogging

I have been reading Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson's books about the Butlerian Jihad (I always wondered about the title, and am now glad they wrote it and I am reading them).  Jihad is a unique word.  Christians had Crusades, Hindus and Buddhist don't have any equivalent, and indeed the Crusades are not quite the same.

Jihad is a powerful word!  Islam gave us this word.  And it can be bad, but then it can also be a cleansing action (read Brian and Kevin).

But Jihad also transcends religion.  To mean a zealous attack with no mercy!  I use to talk about getting on a horse (basically the same thing, but it lacks the oomph).  But I like Jihad better.

In the end, tho, a Jihad may destroy its target, but it assuredly destroys its originators.  For it consumes them and even in victory, they are left a Pyrrhic shell.  With nothing left to carry on their ideals.  just smoldering ashes.

Goldwater once said that "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. "

I am a Goldwater Conservative.  But guess what?  I don't agree with that.  Extremism is always a vice.  We have only to look at the current state of the democrat party to realize that.

So get on your horse or swing that scimitar and to the lalalalalala.  You may win, but in the end, your victory will be a hollow one.

on Oct 21, 2005
So get on your horse or swing that scimitar and to the lalalalalala. You may win, but in the end, your victory will be a hollow one

Insightful Dr.

on Oct 21, 2005

So get on your horse or swing that scimitar and to the lalalalalala. You may win, but in the end, your victory will be a hollow one

Insightful Dr.

I have not finished the last book yet, but yea, if you ever read them, you see how much is compromised in order to attain their ends.  It is really sad.