"Clinton Inducted Into Women's Hall of Fame"--headline, CNN.com, Oct. 9
Bill's a woman?
"Experts Worry More Rain Could Cause More Flooding"--headline, Union Leader (Manchester, N.H.), Oct. 10
Not so brights worry about the same thing.
"Porter Goss Makes Changes, Waves at CIA"--headline, Associated Press, Oct. 8
He is making female seamen?
"Rice Gets U.S. Use of Kyrgyzstan Air Base"--headline, Washington Post, Oct. 11
Beads 40 years ago in Manhattan, and now rice in Kyrgyzstan. Damn Americans are cheap!
"Allegations of Vikings Sexual Misconduct Aboard Boats"--headline, Star Tribune (Minneapolis), Oct. 11
Lief Erickson is said to be mad he was not invited!
"Survey Shows Most in Nation Don't Care About Iowa"--headline, Associated Press, Oct. 11
Most in nation have never been to Iowa, either.
"Limo Wins Chicago Marathon"--headline, News24.com (South Africa), Oct. 10
They have a car marathon now?????