Yes that lovable fur ball of anti war, pro terrorism has decided she knows more than all the world helath experts put together. In what can only be described as a complete meltdown of intellectual reasoning and what clearly demonstrates that her so called peace movement is just another stab at the "I hate Bush" crowd, so discredited, to again get their faces in front of a Camera, Cindy opined the following:
George and friends have come up with a new enemy whose atrocities also can't be contained to borders and that doesn't wear a national uniform: The Bird Flu.
You see, this is just another made up story by Dubya. We have nothing to fear from a stupid bird flu says the world's leading expert on health (dont look at those 20 million dead in 1918-19).
We are saved! So forget the flu shots! Eat more chicken! And live forever. The mighty Cincy has spoken, and mere mortals may never question her oracle of wisdom!