Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Yes that lovable fur ball of anti war, pro terrorism has decided she knows more than all the world helath experts put together.  In what can only be described as a complete meltdown of intellectual reasoning and what clearly demonstrates that her so called peace movement is just another stab at the "I hate Bush" crowd, so discredited, to again get their faces in front of a Camera, Cindy opined the following:

George and friends have come up with a new enemy whose atrocities also can't be contained to borders and that doesn't wear a national uniform: The Bird Flu.

You see, this is just another made up story by Dubya.  We have nothing to fear from a stupid bird flu says the world's leading expert on health (dont look at those 20 million dead in 1918-19).

We are saved!  So forget the flu shots!  Eat more chicken!  And live forever.  The mighty Cincy has spoken, and mere mortals may never question her oracle of wisdom!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 14, 2005
She had become a parody of herself.

BTW I had my flu shot yesterday.
on Oct 14, 2005

BTW I had my flu shot yesterday.

I gather you dont accept her as an authority then?

on Oct 14, 2005
Where is she getting her information? Tom Cruise?
on Oct 14, 2005

How can you stand to read Huffington's crapsheet to find that stuff?

on Oct 14, 2005

Where is she getting her information? Tom Cruise?

Louis Farrakhan's space ship.

on Oct 14, 2005

How can you stand to read Huffington's crapsheet to find that stuff?

I dont.  A friend sent me a link to it.  I guess he has the time, or Google does.

on Oct 14, 2005
Odd, I wonder is Bush forcing eastern european countries to destroy large populations of domestic fowl to back up the story? I think it is cute how half the time he is really stupid, and yet can come up with these sinister plots. Oh, and half the time Bush is inept and can't tie his shoes, but when someone really skeery is happening he enacted some intracate conspiracy, using thousands of tight-lipped people to get it done.
on Oct 14, 2005
Odd, I wonder is Bush forcing eastern european countries to destroy large populations of domestic fowl to back up the story? I think it is cute how half the time he is really stupid, and yet can come up with these sinister plots. Oh, and half the time Bush is inept and can't tie his shoes, but when someone really skeery is happening he enacted some intracate conspiracy, using thousands of tight-lipped people to get it done.

Amazing, isn't it? For some, truth really IS relative.
on Oct 14, 2005

Oh, and half the time Bush is inept and can't tie his shoes, but when someone really skeery is happening he enacted some intracate conspiracy, using thousands of tight-lipped people to get it done.

I never could figure that out from the left.  And when you ask, all you get is a string of words that I will not reprint.  It seems the one thing they can absolutely agree on is that Bush is the primary cause of Potty mouth for those on the left.

on Oct 14, 2005

Amazing, isn't it? For some, truth really IS relative.

No, for some, hate trumps reason and truth.  it is all they have, and all they want.  It burns bright for a while, but it does so by consuming the host.

on Oct 14, 2005
It burns bright for a while, but it does so by consuming the host.

Didn't Yoda say this?

I get all squirmy and embarassed for her when she says stupid stuff like that, which means that I'm squirmy and embarassed for her most of the time.
I tell ya, onea these days, Cindy Shithand will open her mouth and fall right in, and we'll never hear from her again. Raise a glass to that day.
on Oct 15, 2005

Didn't Yoda say this?

I dont know, but I dont claim original authorship of it either.

on Oct 20, 2005
I am constantly amazed at the people who are against the war, and the death of innocent soldiers. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you volunteer for our armed forces (no draft yet, correct?), aren't you accepting the fact that you will be shot at? And how are soldiers innocent? Especially in a volunteer army?

Finally, I take issue with Cindy's following statement:

I wish I had refused to allow Casey to go to Iraq. I wish I had knocked him out and taken him to Canada…or anywhere far enough away from the war monster. It is too late for us, but not for you.

Is it possible that her SON believes in what America is doing in Iraq? Her SON was the one who volunteered for the army, who is SHE to tell him that he cannot give his life for his country?
on Oct 20, 2005

Is it possible that her SON believes in what America is doing in Iraq? Her SON was the one who volunteered for the army, who is SHE to tell him that he cannot give his life for his country?

Her son did.  He Re-Upped just before being sent over there for the second time (he knew he would be going).  What she is advocating is kidnapping, and is illegal.  But like most loons, the ends justify the means to her.

on Oct 20, 2005
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you volunteer for our armed forces (no draft yet, correct?), aren't you accepting the fact that you will be shot at? And how are soldiers innocent? Especially in a volunteer army?

My best friend is an ex-Marine and combat veteran of Desert Storm; he sai the exact same thing. He was due to get discharged just before they deployed for Desert Shield, and all leaves and discharges were cancelled. After all, they were expecting a bloodbath.
He was....a little upset, yes, but he told me in a letter that since he'd volunteered to put on the uniform, he had no right to bitch. He'd decided to take his frustration and anger out on the Iraqis. +LOL+ Maybe that's why it only lasted 100 hours. He's very proud to have served his country. I'm sure Cindy's son was, too.
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