Want to make a million? Start at the bottom of the pyramid!
I wish JU would get that squiggly thing to verify spammers and other such underlife.
When I was laid off the first time, I got caught in their web by answering a classified. After 1 meeting, I got out of it! Jerry Falwell should have that type of devotion!
I use to maintain a network for a Vet (in my previous job). He was nice and the work was easy. But then he decided to get into MLM. I thought he wanted me to take over the care of his network with my own company as my previous one pulled out of the market.
I severed the relationship!
Actually (and they may be lying) the others claimed the same thing (at the only meeting I went to). The Head guy said he was some type of surgeon at MCV (A large Teaching Hospital here in the old Dominion). The only one I knew was who he said he was , the Vetrinarian.
Ah, the greed bug has bitten our apiary expert!
Sorry I am so late here in answering. Having had a run in with them a couple of times in the last dozen years, they are running away from the Label Amway for Obvious reasons. So many call it Affiliated Marketing now. At least the ones that tried to rook me in did. that and MLM.