In California, Unlike in most sane thinking states, a landlord cannot refuse to rent to a known child molester, even if there are tenants with Children already renting in the Unit. But to top it off, they can be sued by the other tenants for renting to a known sex offender!
The California legislature tried to fix this loop hole in their Megan's law this past year. But the reform was killed by 3 key votes by Mervyn Dymally (D., Compton), Jackie Goldberg (D., L.A.) and committee chair Mark Leno (D., San Francisco). What is telling about these people makes you wonder who votes for the clowns!
When she was on the Los Angeles City Council in the '90s, Ms. Goldberg alienated even fellow liberals by regularly siding with vagrants and bar patrons against residents.
Others complained about a major street nearby that had been taken over by people who lived in their cars and used the curbside area as an outdoor latrine. "Jackie's solution was to put in Porta-potties," recalls syndicated political columnist Jill Stewart, who's long been a thorn in Ms. Goldberg's side. "She was always big on bringing in homeless people where no one wanted them."
So she is siding with the homeless against her constituents. So why do they keep electing her? She is apparently more concerned with allowing urinating on the streets than fixing the problem.
In that, one could "Typical bleeding heart liberal - never a solution, just compound the problem". So it is not surprising she is again siding against her constituents.
But Mark Leno is a real case! He was the author of California's Gay Marriage bill that Schwartzenegger vetoed, so one would expect him to be a pro gay advoctte. Not by his reasoning!
Mark Leno......this summer criticized Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's efforts to toughen California laws against sex offenders. Proposed new restrictions, which may be on the ballot next year, include keeping rapists and child molesters farther away from schools and parks, and requiring some to wear electronic monitoring bracelets.
In essence, Mr. Leno is equating the fight for sex offender rights to that of the fight the gay community has waged for their rights.
Mr. Leno "basically said the gay community has had to fight for its rights for so long, he didn't want to put sex offenders through the same thing."
Which is exactly the opposite of what they gay community wants! To be put in the same class as sexual deviants! But like the current liberal leadership that pretends to be the friend of blacks, but do them more harm than any KKK chapter could ever do, so Leno has just stabbed his 'supposed' constituency in the back by putting them on the same footing as sex offenders.
It makes one wonder what these idiots are thinking. I can see where the liberal leadership wants to continue to disenfranchise the blacks so that they continue to vote for the left, but why is Leno playing to the sex offenders? Does he think that is his new constituency? If so, why do the citizens in his district continue to elect him?
Like Goldberg, these 2 are not only poking their constiuents in the eye, they are kicking them in the balls when the people are temporarily blinded. Yet they continue to get elected.
Only in California.