Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

Well, all good things must come to an end (hopefully) and the cornerstone of the Warner administration seems to be getting a black eye!

Long rumored to be the front Runner, IBM is having problems of its own.  Seems that someone has been cooking the books at bearingpoint.  A subcontractor.

Now for most of you, you will read the attached article and say so what?  There is no there there.  And indeed on face value, that is what it appears to be.  But if you know the source, the local Richmond Times Disgrace, you know they are just a mouthpiece for officialdom.  That they reported it means it is HOT.  That they just mouth the administration's view is SOP.

we have 3 more months of Warner, and then someone else.  I hope Kaine is his own man if he wins (and I hope he does not as he seems to be another mouthpiece for Warner).  But I know Kilgore will bring this to a halt and order a much closer scutiny before wasting 3 billion Virginia dollars on what is shaping up as a colossal boondoggle.

As for my job?  I really dont give a flying fart.  I have been laid off twice before.  I survived.  I will again. I do care what is happening to my tax dollars very much.

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