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Who knows about Natalee Holloway
Published on October 6, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

I am serious.  I want to know how many people know about Natalee Holloway?  If you dont, that is cool.  I am curious.

Now for part 2, I am going to have to ask Little_Whip, Terpfan1980 and Chaos Manager to not answer.

Who knows who Taylor Behl is?  Show of hands there as well.  Anyone?

Be honest.  This is a social engineering question.

And thank you for your contributions.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Oct 10, 2005
To be fair, Fox jumped on the Behl case fairly quick. Greta Van Susteren's show had almost daily mentions of it, and the coverage grew as more material to report on came to light.
on Oct 10, 2005
Greta Van Susteren's show had almost daily mentions of it

man, was I watching Fox? That sounds familar...that maybe where I heard it.

why was I watching FOX?
on Oct 12, 2005

To be fair, Fox jumped on the Behl case fairly quick. Greta Van Susteren's show had almost daily mentions of it, and the coverage grew as more material to report on came to light.

I will rephrase that.  The Internet sources did not.  I dont watch the TV versions of the MSM.

on Oct 12, 2005

why was I watching FOX?

Fair and Balanced?

4 PagesFirst 2 3 4