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Who knows about Natalee Holloway
Published on October 6, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

I am serious.  I want to know how many people know about Natalee Holloway?  If you dont, that is cool.  I am curious.

Now for part 2, I am going to have to ask Little_Whip, Terpfan1980 and Chaos Manager to not answer.

Who knows who Taylor Behl is?  Show of hands there as well.  Anyone?

Be honest.  This is a social engineering question.

And thank you for your contributions.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 06, 2005
I know about Natalee Holloway. I've heard of Taylor Behl, but don't know as much about her as I do about that Holloway chick.
on Oct 06, 2005
Two tragically missing girls. Natalee Holloway is a press inspired household name... Taylor Behl... outside of Virginia you probably have to have a strange interest in personal tragedy, (disaster, war & and other things that just plain suck) to have even heard of her.
on Oct 06, 2005

I know about Natalee Holloway. I've heard of Taylor Behl, but don't know as much about her as I do about that Holloway chick.

I suspect you are more informed than most in that regard.

on Oct 06, 2005

outside of Virginia you probably have to have a strange interest in personal tragedy, (disaster, war & and other things that just plain suck) to have even heard of her.

But you know, and that in itself impresses me.  The latest is they think they have found the body.

on Oct 06, 2005
I was gonna say, not fair ... but

There was something on about the case this morning. It was about the body found yesterday.

You know what's funny? They found the body yesterday afternoon. One of the local stations (NBC 12 I think it was) was already asserting that it wasn't Taylor Behl's body. And they hadn't gotten the body back to the lab, yet.

And people wonder why I don't watch the television news for more than the weather. And they usually get that wrong, too.
on Oct 06, 2005

And people wonder why I don't watch the television news for more than the weather. And they usually get that wrong, too.

That is about the extent of my viewership.  According to the latest, the creep that is the prime suspect had pictures of the farm on his computer, and that is why they decided to look there.

on Oct 06, 2005
The Behl case originated less than 100 miles from my home, so, yes, I'm aware of her plight.....seems a prolific amateur pornographer had her in his clutches...kinda curious how they knew to look for a body in that remote area...seems I heard it was featured in some of his pictures.

A probable victim of youthful innocence, one can only hope the guilty bastard gets the cell mate from hell..........
on Oct 06, 2005

The Behl case originated less than 100 miles from my home, so, yes, I'm aware of her plight.....

I did not know you were in this area, or I would have said you cant vote either.  Well, you can vote, but I suspect that people in the DC/Virginia area are aware of the case, and I was curious who outside of the area had heard of it.  Here in Richmond, if you listen to local talk Radio, you know about it as Mac Watson has been playing it up big time for weeks.

on Oct 06, 2005
Halloway - yes - mental shut down because of too much focus

Behl - no (I've stayed away from the news this week so no info)
on Oct 06, 2005
taylor, went missing sometime early sept, the 4th? 5th?. shows ya the power of a mother raising cain{natalees mom}
on Oct 06, 2005

taylor, went missing sometime early sept, the 4th? 5th?. shows ya the power of a mother raising cain{natalees mom}

Was it her?  Or the media?  I honestly dont know, but since you have heard (and you are correct - it was over Labor day Weekend), what made you pay attention to this case?  Just curious.

on Oct 06, 2005
Ok I'll be honest....when I first read this the names didn't ring any bells for me.

If Natalie is the blonde gal then I know what she looks like but must confess didn't remember the name.

The other person, clueless.

Now I usually get 15 minutes of tv time during the week and that is in the morning and usually the weather channel. The rest of the time when the tv is on its on Nickelodeon.

Go ahead ask me ANYTHING that has to do with Spongebob Square Pants, or Dora the Explorer or the even newer version of Dora....DIEGO....and I bet I can answer almost anything! just got to have them
on Oct 06, 2005

(dont forget shadesofgrey, she's in DC)

Sorry Shades!

And as to the suggestion, I think if we can get our schedules together that sounds like a good idea.

on Oct 06, 2005

If Natalie is the blonde gal then I know what she looks like but must confess didn't remember the name.

The other person, clueless.

But you had heard of the blonde gal.  Just not Taylor (I think she is a dirty blonde as well).

on Oct 06, 2005
#11 by Dr. Guy
Thursday, October 06, 2005

taylor, went missing sometime early sept, the 4th? 5th?. shows ya the power of a mother raising cain{natalees mom}

Was it her? Or the media? I honestly dont know, but since you have heard (and you are correct - it was over Labor day Weekend), what made you pay attention to this case? Just curious.

fox news of course doc.
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