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Luckily for NY Senators
Published on October 5, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

In what can only be described as bone headed decisions by the Empire's States 2 senators, both are now hiding their faces in shame.

In a 'blast from the past', Hillary Clinton hired a teen consultant for her (re) election campaign named Gia Medeiros.  The problem with Medeiros is that she has tried to outChurchill Ward Churchill!  After the 9-11 attacks, Medeiros is quoted as saying:

"All of those people who died that day, those folks who we’ve heard toasted as angels and heroes and martyrs, well, they weren’t all good people. I used to live in New York. I know it.”

Not too bad, but hardly something you would want said at yoru eulogy by someone you never knew.  But it does get better.

"One friend of a friend had a husband who died. When I asked about their relationship, my friend said, ‘Terrible. He worked too much, drank too much, was never home with (her) or the kids.’ They don’t say that in the obituaries.”

No person is an angel, but digging up dirt when the person has just been murdered is not the way to influence people or win friends.  Especially when the friends and relatives are in the state the carpat bagger supposedly represents.

But Hillary was just stupid for hiring that clown.  Schummer is criminally stupid.  As Head of the DSCC, he decided to smear Michael Steele, an up and coming Black Republican leader in Maryland.  But did he just go about it by casting innuendos and lies (you know the SOP for democrats)?  No!  He got his staffers to try to dig up some dirt on Steel'e credit history by steeling his Social Security Number and Fraudently obtaining his credit History!  That dear neophytes, is a felony.  So far, since it was just a dirty republican, no charges have been broughtg and the 2 staffers were allowed to 'resign'.  Another case where the boss gets off scott free (remember Dan Blather?) and the grunts take the fall.

In all this yelling about Tom Delay, where oh where are the left's umbrage at Schumer and Clinton?  And where is the MSM's yelling for their heads?

Their silence speaks very loudly for their true nature and purpose.

on Oct 05, 2005
Isn't it sad what we in this country have to put up with. You would think that the states that elect these supposely intelligent individuals would step back and ask themselves do we really need the national shame these fools bring upon us.

But, as a historian I can fully state (with no remorse) that the average joe citizen has no conceit that these people even exist. When you really think about it only 6% of the citizens even have a good read on the political theatre that is going on around them.

on Oct 05, 2005

When you really think about it only 6% of the citizens even have a good read on the political theatre that is going on around them.

I guess you answered your own question with that statement.  Most people dont care if their congress people are scum bags, just how much money they can dig out of the federal pork barrell.