Say your house was just robbed. You did all the normal stuff like filing a police report, and making a list of items taken. What do you then?
Most people would install extra security so it did not happen again (at least I did). Change the locks, put in bolts on the windows, and maybe even get a security system. Common sense, right?
Not according to the democrats! Harry Reid in particular. For in his stupidity, he is opining that people should not learn lessons:
Democratic critics said the preparations for Rita seemed to exceed those for Katrina, and called anew for an independent panel to investigate why.
"It's nice to have the Bush administration recognize the importance of a federal response to Rita, but why weren't they proactively mobilizing and organizing like this for Katrina?" said Rebecca Kirszner, a spokeswoman for Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
"These are the questions that need to be asked by an independent commission," Kirszner said.
So it is a conspiracy that gulf coast residents were more alert and sensitive to a major Hurricane bearing down on them 3 weeks after another one laid waste to 3 states?
Hello Dummitzes! If you just got whacked upside the head with a 2x4, would you not think twice before sticking your head out again?
Partisan is Partisan, but this is just plain stupidity! Or the worst excuse ever made for wasting tax payer money! The latter may be the truth as it is a loony loopy luddite liberal advocating it after all.