Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
At least one does
Published on September 30, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Mark Warner basically bought the governorship of Virginia 4 years ago.  Having never held public office prior to that, he had no track record and sold himself as a moderate Democrat.  And he has governed as one for the most part - except for ramming a billion dollar tax increase (not needed) through the legislature.

Other than that, about the only other thing he will be remembered for is his attempt to create a new layer of bureaucracy in State (Commonwealth) Government.  On the auspices of reducing costs, Mr. Warner consolidated all IT functions under an umbrella organization called VITA - Virginia Information Technology Agency.  Here is how it works.

All IT people who were working for other agencies, were transferred to VITA.  OK so far, right?  Just a different boss, no harm no foul, right?

But these employees were paid the same as they were before.  But now, instead of the agency paying for the workers salary, VITA pays the salary and then charges the Agency the cost (Pay plus Benefits) plus 5%.

So how is that saving money?  In retail we use to have a sarcastic cliché.  We would sell the goods for less than cost and make up for it in Volume.

So much for saving Money.

Now comes the other shoe.  After the state had finished this boondoggle (about a year ago), they then decided to outsource the entire IT infrastructure to a third party.

Oh Boy!  Job security!

But wait!  They promised all IT workers that they would have the choice of staying with the state (many have a lot invested in their time with the state) or accepting an offer from the winner of the Award (IBM and Northrup are bidding on it).  Another example of them saving money?

Most IT workers are saying they would not go with the 3rd party.  Can you blame them?  So what is the state to do?

Well, in the latest revelation, the non-Distinguished Governor is saying that "No Jobs are to be outsourced!".  Well, that is just stupid at face value, until you realize he is really saying is that he does not want any Jobs to go out of state (the Award will outsource the Jobs Governor!).

But by indicating he does not want any jobs to go out of state, that indicates that the promise of staying with the state is highly suspect!  How can someone be talking about moving jobs out of state, if none of the workers want to work for the company in the first place?

But note, that both the Governor and the CIO are saying "Want" and "Promise".  Want is a useless term when it comes to a contract.  You can want pie and cake, but unless it is in the contract, don't expect it.  Promise is more powerful, but is this promise like the last one?  Where all state employees would have an OPTION?

But Employees have one slim hope.  That the next governor will stop this boondoggle and return some sort of normalcy to the employment situation. 

And in that, we are having an election in a month.  Neither Candidate is a barn stormer, and neither is a doofus.  But the democrat candidate is being touted as Warner II, the incumbent.

Given that Warner won primarily due to large support by state workers - state workers that are being shafted by him now, it is doubtful that his selected successor will get such support.  And the poll numbers seem to be bearing that out as he is trailing in a totally dull campaign, by 4 points.

I for one will not be voting for the democrat for that reason alone (he is moderate and not a bad guy). The only thing that Warner has done is wasted Taxpayer money, and increased taxes.

But he is running for President in 08.  If he wins, then the rest of the country can suffer like we have for the past 4 years.  Misery loves company.

A cup of Misery anyone?

on Sep 30, 2005

Gov. Mark R. Warner also wants "at least" a new state backup data center located in Southside Virginia or Southwest Virginia,

IBM's detailed written proposal for the deal filed with the state said it would locate its backup center in New York.

See how 'Wants' carry so much weight?

on Sep 30, 2005
when has any politician saved money?
on Sep 30, 2005

when has any politician saved money?

When they embezzled it?

on Sep 30, 2005
he is trailing in a totally dull campaign

It's so dull, they're not even putting party affiliation on most of their signs.

It's so dull, my wife had to ask (at the State Fair last weekend), "Khaine? Is he the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate?"


Neither one is really appealing. Hmmmm... Where did I put my digital decision maker?

But the democrat candidate is being touted as Warner II, the incumbent.

That right there made up my mind. I don't think that I can stand another term with a Warner wannabee. Gaah.
on Sep 30, 2005

Kiss your cushy State (err...Commonwealth) job bye-bye, Dr.G., and not to rub salt in the wound, but what do you expect when you vote for a Democrat?

I never said I voted for him.  I did not.  I never liked him.  Too sleezy.

on Sep 30, 2005

That right there made up my mind. I don't think that I can stand another term with a Warner wannabee. Gaah.

Yea, he may be trying to send my job to Singapore, but he dipped into your pockets!

on Sep 30, 2005
Damn white people...
on Sep 30, 2005

Damn white people...

?  Since when is Doug Wilder white?

on Sep 30, 2005
Since when is Doug Wilder white?

gene wilder is....
on Oct 12, 2005

gene wilder is....

Except in Silver Streak.