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A sobering reminder for all of us
Published on September 30, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events


on Sep 30, 2005
.... drunkin drivers should be punished to the full extent of the law... even if they do not get into an accident.
on Sep 30, 2005
That poor young woman! I would rather die. Oh, my heart hurts for her. Very sobering (pun intended) ad.
on Sep 30, 2005
I think DWI/DUI should be treated like attempted manslaughter. That just makes me so mad, I was in court once waiting for EX-SO and these 4 teens were charged with MIP, they were driving and way over the limit, the driver was charged with DWI and still, all they got was community service and a fine. Right after the judge got done with him, a 70 ish year old man was in for DWI and he got a fine, it was his 3rd offense and he didn't have a license.

I don't understand why a fine and lose of license is considered an appropriate punishment. I heard there was a man in Iowa that had 13 DUI's and was still getting fines and minimal county jail time. DUI/DWI should be a serious offense and not just some piddly little traffic offense. With the same standard for IDIOT public officials, especially when they kill someone! I don't care if they are retired from public office and I SERIOUSLY don't think it matters that the victim was on a motorcycle and that increased the risk of death for him. The public official was DRUNK (big giant period).

Yes, this does bother me. I find the ad extremely appropriate and sad.
on Sep 30, 2005
This and many other posters like it hung in the halls of my highschool. Kids just poked fun at them.


on Oct 12, 2005

.... drunkin drivers should be punished to the full extent of the law...

That they should.  Before they have that accident.

on Oct 12, 2005

That poor young woman! I would rather die.

I think it is a tribute to her will to live that she is still alive.  The human spirit is capable of some awesome things.

on Oct 12, 2005

it was his 3rd offense and he didn't have a license.

IN Virginia, after the second offense, you get mandatory jail time.  No deals.

on Oct 12, 2005

This and many other posters like it hung in the halls of my highschool. Kids just poked fun at them.

That is real sad.  But I know how cruel and unfeeling kids can be at times.