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WHat the Liberals dont want you to know
Published on September 14, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The Story speaks for itself.  A country ravaged by wars for the last 25 years, a world wide embargo, and the rule of a man more like stalin than Stalin was, is now slowly recovering, even tho they are still beset by terrorists.

And in all that, they donated 1million dinars for Katrina's victims.

And the liberals and the MSM would have you believe we are not doing any good over there.

on Sep 14, 2005

“We are all brothers,” said Abbas. “When one suffers tragedy, we all suffer their pain.”

Iraqi Col Abbas Fadhil - A very wise man indeed.

on Sep 14, 2005
We should have said "Thanks, but no thanks. You need the money a lot more than we do."
on Sep 14, 2005

We should have said "Thanks, but no thanks. You need the money a lot more than we do."

A gift should always be accepted in the spirit given.  They can always be rewarded in other ways, and probably will be.

on Sep 14, 2005
Not to downplay the good we've done in Iraq, but isn't this kinda like giving your child some money and having them buy you a birthday gift with it?
on Sep 14, 2005
You can appreciate the thought and still tell them that it would mean more to us if they kept it themselves and invested it in their country so they can get their act together and we can get out of there. It's a significant sum of money for a country like that.
on Sep 14, 2005

Not to downplay the good we've done in Iraq, but isn't this kinda like giving your child some money and having them buy you a birthday gift with it?

I would not say that, altho I understand what you mean.  No, this is their pay they are donating.  Where that pay came from was from work, not charity.  They gave from what they had, because they felt a need.  They did not give from any charity we gave them.

on Sep 14, 2005

You can appreciate the thought and still tell them that it would mean more to us if they kept it themselves and invested it in their country so they can get their act together and we can get out of there. It's a significant sum of money for a country like that.

And it is their's to give.  It is not that much (only about $680).  In this case it truly is the thought that counts, and I would not insult them by telling them to keep it.