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Finally, the MSM starts asking the Questions
Published on September 13, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

From CNN:

Michael Brown resigned under a hail storm of criticism over federal response to Hurricane Katrina and President Bush today claimed responsibility for any federal failures. But there is plenty more blame that will hit officials at all levels of government and more could lose their jobs.

Indeed, it seems the MSM has finally realized that - DUH - this was a cluster flop by all levels of government STARTING at Nagin's!  Yep, as I proved today under another article, the DHS, and FEMA regulations clearly state (and NC and VA are doing in preparation for Ophelia), the initial preparation lies with the local authorities!

I would suggest that all the ones wanting to BLAME Bush, take the FEMA NIMS course (it is free and on-line - chicken?).  Then you can actually speak from some point of authority instead of just spouing ignorant anti Bush/Conservative rantings.

on Sep 13, 2005

State officials also are being blamed for turning back assistance during the critical first few days. Sheriff Steve Simpson, of Loudon County, Virginia, sent 22 deputies with supplies and 14 vehicles, including four all-terrain vehicles. But he called them back when Louisiana state police officials waved him off.

"I said, 'What if we just show up?' and he says, 'You probably won't get in," Simpson told CNN. Later that night, Blanco cleared legal hurdles that would have allowed local officials to accept the help, but no one ever got back to Simpson.

Uh Huh, that was not the feds.