We all know the statistics that show the red states give proportionately more than blue states to charities, and given the charity records of the last 2 democrat presidential candidates, so do the winners of said states. But now comes a decidely lilberal Radio station Owner (SHOCK! - there are some?) who is mad as hell and not going to take it any more. Seems in the nuclear free zone, a local owner has seperated his 2 stations so that one is Air America, and the other conservative. And he cant sell air time on the Air America!
It’s so slow, station owner Michael Zwerling went on the air recently with an ad of his own threatening the future of progressive shows on KOMY.
"For liberal programming to continue ... you need to support it," his ad said.
It is worse than that apparently. For in the article, it is revealed they are not just 'not supporting' it, they are not selling any air time to anyone except companies that buy on both!
So again we see that while Liberals will scream and holler about how the conservatives have stolen the air waves, when it comes to put their money where their mouth is, they will steal it from the Boys clubs of New York, but they will not put up their own.