Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) extends again its deepest sympathies to the thousands of innocent victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, their families, friends, and loved ones;
(2) honors the heroic actions and the sacrifices of United States military and civilian personnel and their families who have sacrificed much, including their lives and health, in defense of their country in the Global War on Terrorism;
(3) honors the heroic actions of first responders, law enforcement personnel, State and local officials, volunteers, and others who aided the innocent victims and, in so doing, bravely risked their own lives and long-term health;
(4) expresses thanks and gratitude to the foreign leaders and citizens of all nations who have assisted and continue to stand in solidarity with the United States against terrorism in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks;
(5) discourages, in the strongest possible terms, any effort to confuse the Global War on Terrorism with a war on any people or any faith;
(6) reaffirms its commitment to the Global War on Terrorism and to providing the United States Armed Forces with the resources and support to wage it effectively and safely;
(7) vows that it will continue to take whatever actions necessary to identify, intercept, and disrupt terrorists and their activities; and
(8) reaffirms that the American people will never forget the sacrifices made on September 11, 2001, and will never bow to terrorist demands.
Can anyone find anything offensive in this resolution?
But 6 loony loopy luddite liberals did:
John Conyers (Mich.)
Barbara Lee (Calif.)
Jim McDermott (Wash.)
Cynthia McKinney (Ga.)
Pete Stark (Calif.)
Lynn Woolsey (Calif.)
Note where half of them are from. And everyone knows about Cynthia McKinney and Bagdad Jim!
What a pathetic excuse for human beings.