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Why worry about Lead Levels?
Published on September 7, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

First off, most of us know that the flood waters in New Orleans are a toxic nightmare.  I dont think that is open for debate.  Anyone want to debate that?

Ok, they are deadly.  And the EPA has confirmed it (DOH!)

Floodwaters in New Orleans contain bacteria associated with sewage that are at least 10 times higher than acceptable safety levels, making direct contact by rescue workers and remaining residents dangerous, the first government tests confirmed Wednesday.

See?  The EPA says it, and along with the bacteria, I for one am not going to be doing a taste test as there is gas, oil and other contaminates.  But then, the EPA says this:

Also found in the first round of testing were elevated lead levels, a risk if people, particularly children, were to drink the water.

Excuuussseee me?  If you drink it?  If you drink it, the least of your worries is going to be lead poisoning!

With all the death and misery that Katrina left, leave it to a government agency to say something totally stupid!

"Here son, have some nice Fresh water from New Orleans!  I promise you the lead wont kill you!"

on Sep 07, 2005

The EPA didn't test how much sewage was in the water, but quit when analyses hit the 10-fold mark.

Love that one too!  "Dont mind the poopy water, be careful of the lead!".  Sheesh!

on Sep 07, 2005
"Dont mind the poopy water, be careful of the lead!". Sheesh!

, oh geez......I wonder if they realize how moronic they are if they saw or heard themselves over the air??
Good one Doc!
on Sep 07, 2005

The thing is- some people are more scared of lead then of bacteria.  They have to cover all their bases.  If they didn't, some kid would get sick of lead poisoning (after they got done with the runs from the bacteria) and the parents would sue because somebody didn't tell them that there was lead in the water.

It's a "wrong" world that we live in.......

on Sep 07, 2005
Doc, you've been a commonwealth employee for how long? I know that commonwealth employees have to check their brains at the door when they go into the office (at least they get to pick them up again on the way out). For Federal employees, it's even worse. Once you sign the employment contract, that forcibly take your brain and burn it in front of you.

"Braaaaains! Braaaaains!!"
on Sep 07, 2005

oh geez......I wonder if they realize how moronic they are if they saw or heard themselves over the air??
Good one Doc!

I probably should have posted this one under Humor as it is just too stupid to take seriously!

on Sep 07, 2005

The thing is- some people are more scared of lead then of bacteria.

I know.  It is the crises du jour!  And it is both stupid and wrong!  Lead is not going to kill you!  E Coli will tho!

on Sep 07, 2005

Doc, you've been a commonwealth employee for how long? I know that commonwealth employees have to check their brains at the door when they go into the office (at least they get to pick them up again on the way out).

Only 2 years! (this time), and we do not check our brains at the door.

We have a special room for them on our floor.  SO that they are not stolen while we not work!

on Sep 07, 2005
I've been waiting for the first cases of Cholera. Maybe we'll dodge that bullet.
on Sep 07, 2005
I've been waiting for the first cases of Cholera. Maybe we'll dodge that bullet.

I heard something on the radio about several people already dying from the water. Just a flash, so I am not sure what the scoop is. I do know it was not lead!
on Sep 07, 2005
I suppose if someone were considering boiling the water to drink, the lead might be important, but then how about insecticides and solvents? They might kill you quicker. Lead usually acts pretty slowly.

I agree that authorities, including scientific ones, often lose perspective and comon sense. The cdc site is usually a reliable one.Link
on Sep 08, 2005

I agree that authorities, including scientific ones, often lose perspective and comon sense.

I am not really outraged, just saddened by this. Bureaucrats truly cant see the forest for the trees!