Just after Katrina made New Orleans a soup bowl, and the gulf coast look like an Indonesian coast on December 27th, several people, here and elsewhere, opined that while America was the first to help others during disasters, other countries shied away from US because we are the 'Big Kid" on the block.
But now we see that many other Countries are indeed ponying up to the Charity trough, and offering help. And while the support is not a lot in real terms, that is not important. What is important, is that the offers were made because these countries, like the US, believe in helping your neighbors who are down on their luck even if you are not Jay Rockefeller.
State Department officials said it was likely some of the offers would not materialize and, as a wealthy nation, the United States would be uncomfortable taking funds from poorer countries.
The above statement in itself is very telling. I think all of us would feel somewhat guilty for accepting a donation from a Poor person, when we know we are better off (even if our house just did burn down). But I think we should accept all offers, for the offer is being made in good faith and out of chairty. We can always then turn around and help those poor countries in ways that will return their generosity many fold, but I would Vote to let them do what they want, and not turn any away.
I hope the Administration chooses to accept all offers. America may be bigger than other countries, but we bleed when cut, we mourn our dead, and we put our pants on one leg at a time. Just like every other country on this planet.