Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Bye Bye Miss American Pie
Published on August 26, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Yep, Able Danger is blowing the Clintons off the map!  Now we have 3 that say "Hey!  We Warned you!".  So how is the co president supposed to respond?

Demos, get a real candidate.  Hillary is more spoiled than putrid beef.  And it is only going to get worse.

But then you wont listen to me or any other conservative.  So I dont have to worry about giving you correct advice.  As you will do the opposite.

on Aug 26, 2005
Putrid beef, or in reality,just pork fat.
on Aug 26, 2005
yeah, I'm not a big fan of playing the blame game with the whole 9/11 thing... To me all it does is cause the major players to circle the wagons...

However, there is a difference between looking to the past and learning from experience. Billary is no good, whichever half you're talking about.
on Aug 26, 2005

Billary is no good, whichever half you're talking about.

To ignore the past is to be doomed to repeat it.