IN an attempt to kow tow to the pro choice side of the abortion debate, the AP stepped into it big time this week. In an article talking about the arrest of a man for the murder of his girlfriend and her baby, the AP wrote the following:
District Attorney Lynne M. Abraham said Poaches, 25, would be charged with two counts of murder and related offenses for the deaths of Figueroa and her fetus.
Refusing to term a baby a baby even tho unborn has let slip a serious dilemma for the Pro Choice crowd. For they now have only one conclusion to come to. Killing a Fetus is murder, and hence Abortion is murder. There can be no other conclusion since one cannot be charged with murder of an animal (just cruelty to said animals).
So next time NARAL and their supporters get all smug and mighty about denying the humanity of unborn babies, and the rights of said children, they only need to be reminded that baby or fetus, DAs in Texas, Pennsylvania and California have said it is murder. And so is abortion.
One if committed by a licensed practitioner, and the other by a rank amature. However, as we are all supposed to have equal protection and prosecution under the law, that does make both of them murderers.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.