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I agree with Diane Feinstein
Published on August 23, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Yep, On this date in History, I, Dr. Guy, am agreeing with Diane Feinstein, Current US Senator from California, former mayor of San Francisco when she called the decision of the SF City supervisors decision to not allow the USS IOWA a berth at Fisherman's Wharf a "very petty decision".

''This isn't the San Francisco that I've known and loved and grew up in and was born in,''

Let me give her one clue however, NO ONE could know or love this bunch of clowns!

In their decision, they said:

''If I was going to commit any kind of money in recognition of war, then it should be toward peace,"

Uh, excuse me clowns, but wouldn't a defanged battleship be a great symbol of peace?  What do you expect it to do, gum people to death now?

And people wonder how I can call these clowns loony loopy luddites?  The only difference between clowns on the left and clowns like Pat Robertson is WHO they want to kill.  They both managed to keep Athlete's tongue a well recognized malady.

on Aug 23, 2005
Oh, and if any one is wondering if they can pick up a cheap yacht, forget it.  Stockton decided to take it after SF's refusal.  Not everyone is California goes along with the loons of San Francisco.
on Aug 23, 2005
it's the 8 stupid visers of the city council that did this, whatta buch of maroons as whip would say/
on Aug 23, 2005

it's the 8 stupid visers of the city council that did this, whatta buch of maroons as whip would say/

It would take some real loons to make me agree with Diane Feinstein!

on Aug 23, 2005
And to think, SF was once known for it's support of the navy and it's sailors. It is sad how times have changed, even Feinstein has realized that.
on Aug 23, 2005
I hope Stockton makes a TON of money from tourism. It would serve SF right.
on Aug 23, 2005

And to think, SF was once known for it's support of the navy and it's sailors. It is sad how times have changed, even Feinstein has realized that.

It was a great city back in 70-72!  The weather still sucked tho.


on Aug 23, 2005

I hope Stockton makes a TON of money from tourism. It would serve SF right.

Given there is nothing else IN Stockton, it will be THE tourist attraction!  Watch for a Moderateman near you!