Perusing the ether, I came across this site. Now for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth when I mention the loony loopy luddite liberals (not to be confused with the Mellow Liberals), I challenge anyone to tell me that this group is not a part of that very description.
I will go so far as to say they are further afield, as at least Luddites do not want our extinction, just the eradication over anything above a cave dwelling.
VHEMT (pronounced vehement) is a movement not an organization. It's a movement advanced by people who care about life on planet Earth. We're not just a bunch of misanthropes and anti-social, Malthusian misfits, taking morbid delight whenever disaster strikes humans. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Voluntary human extinction is the humanitarian alternative to human disasters.
Of course it could be just a big hoax. Somehow, I think these guys are for real, if totally cracked.